- osteoid
- [ʹɒstıɔıd] a
1. спец. остеоидный, костеобразный2. редк. костистый
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Osteoid — Osteoid, containing two osteocytes, being synthesized by active osteoblasts. In histology, osteoid is the unmineralized, organic portion of the bone matrix that forms prior to the maturation of bone tissue … Wikipedia
osteoid — OSTEOÍD, Ă, osteoizi, de, adj. Care este asemănător structurii, naturii osului. [pr.: te o id] – Din fr. ostéoïde. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 osteoíd adj. m. (sil. te o id), pl. osteoízi; f … Dicționar Român
Osteoid — (von Latein Os „Knochen“) heißt die weiche, noch nicht mineralisierte (im Wesentlichen verkalkte) Grundsubstanz (Matrix) des Knochengewebes, die von Osteoblasten gebildet wird. Das Osteoid macht etwa die Hälfte des Knochenvolumens aus und etwa… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Osteoid — Os te*oid, a. [Osteo + oid: cf. Gr. ?.] (Anat.) Resembling bone; bonelike. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
osteoid — [äs′tē oid΄] adj. [ OSTE(O) + OID] like bone … English World dictionary
osteoid — 1. Relating to or resembling bone. SYN: ossiform. 2. Newly formed organic bone matrix prior to calcification. [osteo + G. eidos, resemblance] * * * os·te·oid äs tē .ȯid adj resembling bone <osteoid tissue> osteoid n uncalcified bone … Medical dictionary
osteoid — I. ˈästēˌȯid adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary oste + oid 1. : resembling bone 2. : having a bone skeleton osteoid fishes II. noun ( … Useful english dictionary
Osteoid osteoma — Classification and external resources Osteoid osteoma of the trochanter minor: X ray and MRI with marked sclerosis around the nidus. ICD O: 9191/0 … Wikipedia
Osteoid-Osteom — Klassifikation nach ICD 10 D16 Gutartige Neubildung des Knochens und des Gelenkknorpels … Deutsch Wikipedia
Osteoid osteoma — A benign tumor of bone tissue. It emerges most often in the teens or 20s, and is found most frequently in the femur and in males. Symptoms include pain, mostly at night. Diagnosis is by X ray. Most cases do not require invasive treatment, just… … Medical dictionary
osteoid — I. adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1840 resembling bone II. noun Date: 1934 uncalcified bone matrix … New Collegiate Dictionary