Ostentatious — Os ten*ta tious, a. Fond of, or evincing, ostentation; unduly conspicuous; pretentious; boastful. [1913 Webster] Far from being ostentatious of the good you do. Dryden. [1913 Webster] The ostentatious professions of many years. Macaulay. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ostentatious — index elaborate, grandiose, histrionic, inflated (bombastic), tawdry Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
ostentatious — 1701, from OSTENTATION (Cf. ostentation). Related: Ostentatiously … Etymology dictionary
ostentatious — *showy, pretentious Analogous words: vainglorious, vain, proud (see under PRIDE): flaunting, parading, displaying (see SHOW vb): boasting, bragging, gasconading (see BOAST) … New Dictionary of Synonyms
ostentatious — [adj] flashy, showy boastful, chichi*, classy, conspicuous, crass*, dashing, egotistic, exhibitionistic, extravagant, flamboyant, flatulent, flaunted, fussy, garish, gaudy, gay, glittery, grandiose, highfaluting*, jaunty, loud, obtrusive,… … New thesaurus
ostentatious — [[t]ɒ̱stente͟ɪʃəs[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED (disapproval) If you describe something as ostentatious, you disapprove of it because it is expensive and is intended to impress people. [FORMAL] ...his house, which, however elaborate, is less ostentatious… … English dictionary
ostentatious — os|ten|ta|tious [ˌɔstənˈteıʃəs, ten US ˌa: ] adj 1.) something that is ostentatious looks very expensive and is designed to make people think that its owner must be very rich ▪ She carried her car keys on an ostentatious gold key ring. ▪ an… … Dictionary of contemporary English
ostentatious — adjective 1 something that is ostentatious is large, looks expensive and is designed to make people think that its owner must be very rich: The hotel loomed huge and ostentatious above the street. 2 someone who is ostentatious likes to show… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
ostentatious — ostentatiously, adv. ostentatiousness, n. /os ten tay sheuhs, teuhn /, adj. 1. characterized by or given to pretentious or conspicuous show in an attempt to impress others: an ostentatious dresser. 2. (of actions, manner, qualities exhibited, etc … Universalium
ostentatious — os|ten|ta|tious [ ,asten teıʃəs ] adjective 1. ) intended to impress people or attract their admiration, in a way that you think is extreme and unnecessary: an ostentatious display of wealth 2. ) always trying to impress people with how rich,… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
ostentatious — Given to showing off, pretentious, meant to impress others. A person or thing that is ostentatious is boastfully showy. Some of the many interesting synomyms: flashy, flaunting, florid, pompous, turgid, bombastic, swaggering, strutting,… … Glossary of Art Terms