- oscitance
1> зевота, зеванье
2> сонливость, вялость
3> небрежность, невнимательность
4> тупость, тупоумие
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
oscitance — os·ci·tance (ŏsʹĭ təns) n. Oscitancy. * * * … Universalium
oscitance — n. yawning; sleepiness; dullness. ♦ oscitant, a. ♦ oscitation, n … Dictionary of difficult words
oscitance — noun 1. drowsiness and dullness manifested by yawning • Syn: ↑oscitancy • Derivationally related forms: ↑oscitant (for: ↑oscitancy) • Hypernyms: ↑sleepiness, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
oscitancy — noun 1. drowsiness and dullness manifested by yawning • Syn: ↑oscitance • Derivationally related forms: ↑oscitant • Hypernyms: ↑sleepiness, ↑drowsiness, ↑somnolence, ↑dullness … Useful english dictionary
oscitant — oscitancy, oscitance, n. /os i teuhnt/, adj. 1. yawning, as with drowsiness; gaping. 2. drowsy or inattentive. 3. dull, lazy, or negligent. [1615 25; < L oscitant (s. of oscitans) (prp. of oscitare to gape, yawn), equiv. to os mouth + cit(are) to … Universalium
inattention — n 1. inattentiveness, preoccupation, distraction, detachment, forgetfulness, absent mindedness, inadvertence, oversight; daydreaming, mental wandering, woolgathering, nodding, oscitance, reverie, staring into space, inapplication, brown study,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
lassitude — n 1. languor, languidness, lethargy, sluggishness, loginess, heaviness, slow motion, slowness; drowsiness, sleepiness, soporiferousness, oscitance, oscitancy; stagnation, stagnancy, stagnance, inaction, inactivity, inactiveness, inexertion,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
lethargy — n 1. sluggishness, dullness, hebetude, slowness, heaviness, phlegm; stupefaction, stupor, torpor, torpidity, torpidness, numbness; inertia, inactivity, lifelessness, inertness, spiritlessness, inanition, comatoseness, comatosity. 2. languor,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
sleepiness — n 1. drowsiness, tiredness, slumber ousness, somnolence, somnolency, oscitance, oscitan cy, (in the Middle East) kef; hypnosis, hypnotism. 2. sluggishness, languor, lassitude, lethargy, torpor, torpidity, torpidness, comatoseness, comatosity. 3.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
oscitant — /ˈɒsətənt/ (say osuhtuhnt) adjective 1. gaping; yawning. 2. drowsy; inattentive. 3. Rare indolent; negligent. {Latin oscitans, present participle} –oscitancy –oscitance, noun …
drowsiness — noun a very sleepy state (Freq. 1) sleepiness causes many driving accidents • Syn: ↑sleepiness, ↑somnolence • Ant: ↑wakefulness (for: ↑sleepiness) … Useful english dictionary