
[ɔ:ʹθɒstıkəs] a бот.
расположенный вертикальными рядами (о листьях и т. п.)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "orthostichous" в других словарях:

  • orthostichous — or·thos·ti·chous …   English syllables

  • orthostichous — (ˈ)ȯ(r)|thästəkəs adjective Etymology: orthostichy + ous : arranged in vertical ranks …   Useful english dictionary

  • orthostichy — orthostichous, adj. /awr thos ti kee/, n., pl. orthostichies. Bot. 1. a vertical rank or row. 2. an arrangement of members, as leaves, at different heights on an axis so that their median planes coincide. [1870 75; ORTHO + Gk stichia alignment,… …   Universalium

  • Zamiaceae — Taxobox name = Zamiaceae image width = 240px image caption = Encephalartos lebomboensis regnum = Plantae divisio = Cycadophyta classis = Cycadopsida ordo = Cycadales familia = Zamiaceae familia authority = Horaninow subdivision ranks = Genera… …   Wikipedia

  • orthostichy — /ɔˈθɒstəki/ (say aw thostuhkee) noun (plural orthostichies) 1. a vertical rank or row. 2. an arrangement of members, as leaves, at different heights on an axis so that their median planes coincide. {ortho + Greek stichia alignment} –orthostichous …  

  • orthostichy — [ôr thäs′ti kē] n. pl. orthostichies [< ORTHO + Gr stichos, a row (see STILE2) + Y3] a vertical arrangement of leaves or flowers on a stem orthostichous [ôr thäs′tikəs] adj …   English World dictionary

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