- augend
- [ʹɔ:dʒənd] n мат.
первое слагаемое
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
augend — n. 1. a number to which another number (the addend) is added. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Augend — + Die Addition (lat. addere hinzufügen) ist eine der vier Grundrechenarten in der Arithmetik. In der Grundschule und in der Umgangssprache verwendet man meist den Ausdruck Zusammenzählen für die Addition von zwei oder mehr Zahlen. Das Zeichen für … Deutsch Wikipedia
augend — noun A quantity to which another is added. In 4 + 5 , 4 is the augend … Wiktionary
augend — /aw jend, aw jend /, n. Math. a number to which another is added in forming a sum. Cf. addend (def. 2). [1905 10; < L augendum a thing to be increased, n. use of neut. of augendus to be increased, ger. of augere to increase] * * * … Universalium
Augend — Au|gend der; en, en <aus lat. augendum »das zu Vermehrende« zu augere, vgl. ↑augieren> der erste Summand einer zweigliedrigen Summe (Math.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
augend — n. (Mathematics) number to which another is added to form a sum … English contemporary dictionary
augend — au·gend … English syllables
augend — au•gend [[t]ˈɔ dʒɛnd, ɔˈdʒɛnd[/t]] n. math. a number to which another is added in forming a sum • Etymology: 1905–10; < L augendum, augēre to increase … From formal English to slang
augend — /ˈɔdʒɛnd/ (say awjend) noun a number to which another number, the addend, is added. {Latin augendum the thing to be increased, neuter gerundive of augēre} …
augend — noun a number to which another number (the addend) is added • Hypernyms: ↑number … Useful english dictionary
Addition — is the mathematical process of putting things together. The plus sign + means that two numbers are added together. For example, in the picture on the right, there are 3 + 2 apples meaning three apples and two other apples which is the same as… … Wikipedia