
[ʹɔ:məlu:] n
1. 1) сплав меди, олова и свинца для золочения; позолотная бронза
2) порошкообразное золото для золочения
2. золочёная бронза

ormolu clock - часы из золочёной бронзы

3. мебель с украшениями из золочёной бронзы

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "ormolu" в других словарях:

  • ormolu — or mo*lu ([^o]r m[ o]*l[udd] ), n. [F. or moulu; or gold (L. aurum) + moulu, p. p. of moudre to grind, to mill, L. molere. See {Aureate}, and {Mill}.] A variety of brass made to resemble gold by the use of less zinc and more copper in its… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ormolu — alloy of copper, zinc, and tin, resembling gold, 1765, from Fr. or moulu, lit. ground gold, from or gold (from L. aurum, from PIE *aus gold. ) + moulu ground up, pp. of moudre to grind, from L. molere to grind (see MALLET …   Etymology dictionary

  • ormolu — ► NOUN ▪ a gold coloured alloy of copper, zinc, and tin used in decoration. ORIGIN from French or moulu powdered gold …   English terms dictionary

  • ormolu — [ôr′mə lo͞o΄] n. [Fr or moulu, lit., ground gold < or (see OR3) + pp. of moudre < L molere, to grind: see MILL1] 1. an imitation gold made of an alloy of copper and tin, used in making ornaments, moldings, cheap jewelry, etc. 2. imitation… …   English World dictionary

  • Ormolu — Chinese porcelains mounted with Parisian gilt bronze ( ormolu ) in neoclassical taste, late 18th century (Musée Nissim de Camondo, Paris) Ormolu /ˈɔrməluː/ (from French or moulu, signifying ground or pounded gold) is an 18th century English term… …   Wikipedia

  • ormolu — /awr meuh looh /, n. 1. Also called mosaic gold. an alloy of copper and zinc used to imitate gold. 2. Also called bronze doré, gilt bronze. gilded metal, esp. cast brass or bronze gilded over fire with an amalgam of gold and mercury, used for… …   Universalium

  • Ormolu — Porcelanas chinas montadas con parisina de bronce dorado ( ormolu ) en el gusto neoclásico, finales del siglo 18 (Musée Nissim de Camondo, Paris) Ormolu (del Francés Or Moulu que significa tierra u oro del suelo) es una expresión inglesa que se… …   Wikipedia Español

  • ormolu —    (OR moh loo) [French: milled (ground) gold] Gilded brass or bronze; an alloy of copper, tin, and zinc that looks like gold, used to decorate furniture, art objects, jewelry, etc. Also, the objects made with or from ormolu. Sometimes called… …   Dictionary of foreign words and phrases

  • ormolu — or|mo|lu [ˈo:məlu: US ˈo:r ] n [U] [Date: 1700 1800; : French; Origin: or moulu gold crushed into powder ] a gold coloured mixture of metals that does not contain real gold ▪ an ormolu clock …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • ormolu —    Bronze or brass which has been gold leafed and used in decorating certain styles of furniture, clock cases, chandeliers, and jewelry. Ormolu is cast and chiseled, then finished with gold leaf. The height of its use was as part of Empire style… …   Glossary of Art Terms

  • ormolu — noun (U) a gold coloured mixture of metals, not containing real gold: an ormolu clock …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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