- opprobrious
- [əʹprəʋbrıəs] a книжн.
1. оскорбительный
opprobrious words /language/ - ругательства
2. позорный, позорящийopprobrious conduct /behaviour/ - позорное поведение
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
opprobrious words /language/ - ругательства
opprobrious conduct /behaviour/ - позорное поведение
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Opprobrious — Op*pro bri*ous, a. [L. opprobriosus, fr. opprobrium. See {Opprobrium}.] 1. Expressive of opprobrium; attaching disgrace; reproachful; scurrilous; as, opprobrious language. [1913 Webster] They . . . vindicate themselves in terms no less… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
opprobrious — index bad (offensive), blameful, blameworthy, calumnious, contemptible, contemptuous, disgraceful … Law dictionary
opprobrious — (adj.) full of reproach, intended to bring disgrace, late 14c., from O.Fr. opprobrieux, from L.L. opprobriosus, from L. opprobare to reproach, taunt, from ob against (see OB (Cf. ob )) + probrum reproach, infamy. Etymological sense is disgrace… … Etymology dictionary
opprobrious — *abusive, vituperative, contumelious, scurrilous Analogous words: reviling, vituperating, railing, berating (see SCOLD): *malicious, malevolent, malign, malignant: *execrable, damnable, accursed … New Dictionary of Synonyms
opprobrious — [adj] abusive, hateful abasing, calumniatory, contemptuous, contumelious, damaging, debasing, defamatory, defaming, denigrating, depreciative, derogative, despicable, despiteful, detractive, disgracing, dishonoring, disparaging, humiliating,… … New thesaurus
opprobrious — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ highly scornful. DERIVATIVES opprobriously adverb … English terms dictionary
opprobrious — [ə prō′brē əs] adj. [ME < LL opprobriosus] 1. expressing opprobrium; abusive; disrespectful 2. Now Rare deserving opprobrium; disgraceful opprobriously adv. opprobriousness n … English World dictionary
opprobrious — opprobriously, adv. opprobriousness, n. /euh proh bree euhs/, adj. 1. conveying or expressing opprobrium, as language or a speaker: opprobrious invectives. 2. outrageously disgraceful or shameful: opprobrious conduct. [1350 1400; ME < LL… … Universalium
opprobrious — adjective Date: 14th century 1. expressive of opprobrium ; scurrilous < opprobrious language > 2. deserving of opprobrium ; infamous • opprobriously adverb • opprobriousness noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
opprobrious — /əˈproʊbriəs/ (say uh prohbreeuhs) adjective 1. conveying or expressing opprobrium, as language, a speaker, etc.: opprobrious invectives. 2. disgraceful or shameful; contumelious. {Middle English, from Late Latin opprōbriōsus} –opprobriously,… …
opprobrious — adjective a) Of or related to opprobrium. b) Tending to cause opprobrium … Wiktionary