
[ʹɒpəreıt] v
1. действовать, работать

to operate under a theory - действовать на основании какой-л. теории

this machinery operates day and night - это оборудование работает непрерывно

his mind always operated slowly - он всегда медленно соображал

2. 1) оказывать влияние, воздействовать; производить действие

different drugs operate on different bodily organs - различные лекарства оказывают воздействие на различные органы

several causes operated to bring on the war - война была вызвана несколькими причинами

this law operates to our advantage - этот закон действует в нашу пользу

2) вызывать, приводить к чему-л.

this will operate changes in our way of thought - это скажется на нашем образе мыслей

3. оперировать, делать операции

to operate on smb. - оперировать кого-л.

to operate for smth. - оперировать по поводу чего-л.

to operate on the brain - делать операцию на мозге

to operate on /for/ appendicitis - оперировать по поводу аппендицита

he must be operated on at once - его надо немедленно оперировать

4. производить операции (стратегические, финансовые)

to operate from /out of/ - воен. базироваться на

the army operated over a wide area - армия действовала на большой территории

this corporation operates in several countries - эта корпорация имеет филиалы в нескольких странах

5. 1) приводить в движение, в действие; заставлять работать

this engine operates by electricity - этот мотор работает на электричестве

2) управлять

to operate a machine - управлять станком

can you operate a car? - вы умеете водить машину?

6. управлять, заведовать

to operate a factory - управлять фабрикой

7. разрабатывать, эксплуатировать

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "operate" в других словарях:

  • operate — op‧e‧rate [ˈɒpəreɪt ǁ ˈɑː ] verb 1. [transitive] to use and control a machine or equipment: • the software necessary to operate the machine 2. [intransitive] MANUFACTURING if a machine, factory etc operates in a particular way, it works in that… …   Financial and business terms

  • Operate — Single by Peaches from the album Fatherfucker Released …   Wikipedia

  • Operate — Op er*ate, v. t. 1. To produce, as an effect; to cause. [1913 Webster] The same cause would operate a diminution of the value of stock. A. Hamilton. [1913 Webster] 2. To put into, or to continue in, operation or activity; to work; as, to operate… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • operate — I verb accomplish, achieve, act, act upon, administer, administrate, assume responsibility, attain, bring about, caretake, carry into execution, carry on, carry out, cause, command, conduct, control, deal with, direct, discharge, do, drive,… …   Law dictionary

  • operate — [v1] perform, function accomplish, achieve, act, act on, advance, behave, be in action, bend, benefit, bring about, burn, carry on, click*, compel, complete, concern, conduct, contact, contrive, convey, cook*, determine, direct, do, enforce,… …   New thesaurus

  • Operate — Op er*ate, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Operated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Operating}.] [L. operatus, p. p. of operari to work, fr. opus, operis, work, labor; akin to Skr. apas, and also to G. [ u]ben to exercise, OHG. uoben, Icel. [ae]fa. Cf. {Inure},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • operate — (v.) c.1600, to be in effect, from L. operari to work, labor (in L.L. to have effect, be active, cause ); see OPERATION (Cf. operation). Surgical sense is first attested 1799. Meaning to work machinery is from 1864 in Amer.Eng. Related: Operated; …   Etymology dictionary

  • operate — *act, behave, work, function, react …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • operate — has derivative forms operable (‘able to be operated on’, especially in medical contexts) and operator …   Modern English usage

  • operate — ► VERB 1) (of a machine, process, etc.) be in action; function. 2) control the functioning of (a machine or process). 3) (with reference to an organization) manage or be managed. 4) (of an armed force) conduct military activities. 5) be in effect …   English terms dictionary

  • operate — [äp′ər āt΄] vi. operated, operating [< L operatus, pp. of operari, to work < opus (gen. operis): see OPUS] 1. to be in action so as to produce an effect; act; function; work 2. to bring about a desired or appropriate effect; have a certain… …   English World dictionary

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