
I [ʹɒn|tʋ,-{ʹɒn}tə] prep
1. на

to stick a placard onto the wall - налепить плакат на стену

he threw stones onto the track - он бросал камни на дорогу

the boat drifted onto the shore - лодку относило к берегу

2. разг. в; на

to get onto a horse - вскочить /сесть/ на лошадь

he jumped onto a bus - он вскочил в автобус

3. разг. в сочетаниях:

to be /to get/ onto smth., smb. - а) знать что-л.; быть в курсе дел; I'm onto her secret intention - я знаю о её тайном намерении; б) узнать что-л., вникнуть в суть; he's got onto his new job - он вошёл в курс своей новой работы; в) разобраться в ком-л.

they have been onto him at last - наконец они вывели его на чистую воду

to run onto smb. - наткнуться на кого-л.

to be onto a good thing - оказаться в выгодном положении

we are onto a good thing - нам подфартило

др. сочетания см. под соответствующими словами
II [ʹɒn|tʋ,-{ʹɒn}tə] уст. = unto

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "onto" в других словарях:

  • onto — W2S1 also on to [ ɔntə before vowels ɔntu $ a:n , o:n ] prep 1.) used to say that someone or something moves to a position on a surface, area, or object ▪ She watched him walk onto the platform. ▪ Don t jump onto (=into) the bus while it s moving …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • onto- — ♦ Élément, du gr. ôn, ontos « l être, ce qui est ». onto élément, du gr. ôn, ontos, l étant, l être, ce qui est . ⇒ONT(O) , (ONT , ONTO )élém. formant I. PHILOS., LING. Élém. tiré du gr. , , part. prés. substantivé au neutre du gr. «je suis»,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • onto, on, on to — Onto and on are sometimes used interchangeably, but onto more strongly suggests movement toward something. The dog jumped on the table may mean that he was already on the table, jumping. The dog jumped onto the table clearly indicates that he… …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • onto — Element prim de compunere savantă cu sensul de fiinţă , existenţă . [< fr., it. onto , cf. gr. on, ontos]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 27.06.2005. Sursa: DN  ONT(O) elem. fiinţă, existenţă . (< fr. ont/o/, cf. gr. on, ontos) …   Dicționar Român

  • onto- — word forming element meaning a being, individual; being, existence, from Gk. onto , from stem of on (gen. ontos) being, neuter prp. of einai to be (see ESSENCE (Cf. essence)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • onto — or on to [än′to͞o] prep. 1. to and upon; to a position on ☆ 2. Slang aware of or familiar with, esp. aware of the real nature or meaning of [they re onto our schemes] …   English World dictionary

  • Onto — On to, prep. [On + to. Cf. {Into}.] On the top of; upon; on. See {On to}, under {On}, prep. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • onto- — [dal gr. ṓn óntos, part. pres. di eimí essere ]. 1. (filos.) Primo elemento di parole composte in cui significa essere, esistenza, ente (ontologia ). 2. (biol.) Primo elemento di parole composte dove significa essere vivente, organismo vivente… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • onto — 1580s, as on to, from ON (Cf. on) + TO (Cf. to). Appeared much later than parallel INTO (Cf. into). As a closed compound (on analogy of into), first recorded 1715 …   Etymology dictionary

  • onto- — elem. de comp. Exprime a noção de ser, criatura (ex.: ontogênese).   ‣ Etimologia: grego on, onthos, particípio presente de eimi, ser …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • onto- — DEFINICIJA kao prvi dio riječi označava ono što se odnosi na biće, bitak, postojanje [ontologija] ETIMOLOGIJA grč. ón <G óntos>: ono što jest, biće ← eȋnai: biti …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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