- oniony
- [ʹʌnjənı] a
луковичный; пахнущий луком или имеющий вкус лука
oniony odour - запах лука
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
oniony odour - запах лука
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
oniony — (adj.) 1838, from ONION (Cf. onion) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Related: Onioniness … Etymology dictionary
oniony — ˈənyənē adjective : flavored with or tasting or smelling of onions oniony soup an oniony breath … Useful english dictionary
oniony — onion ► NOUN ▪ an edible bulb used as a vegetable, having a pungent taste and smell and composed of several concentric layers. ● know one s onions Cf. ↑know one s onions DERIVATIVES oniony adjective. ORIGIN Old French oignon, from Latin unio … English terms dictionary
oniony — луковый oniony flavor луковый привкус … English-Russian travelling dictionary
oniony — adjective see onion … New Collegiate Dictionary
oniony — adjective Resembling an onion or onions, especially in terms of smell … Wiktionary
oniony — adj. has the flavor of onions … English contemporary dictionary
oniony — on·iony … English syllables
List of Pringles products — Pringles have many different flavors and variations around the world. United States Pringles *Original *Loaded Baked Potato *Sour Cream Onion *Zesty Onion Dip *Jalapeño *Chili Cheese *Pizza (originally Pizza Licious ) *Cheddar Cheese (originally… … Wikipedia
onion — noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French oignon, from Latin union , unio Date: 14th century 1. a widely cultivated Asian herb (Allium cepa) of the lily family with pungent edible bulbs; also its bulb 2. any of various plants of the same… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Allium — Taxobox name = Allium image width = 250px image caption = Allium species from Russia regnum = Plantae phylum = Magnoliophyta classis = Liliopsida ordo = Asparagales familia = Alliaceae genus = Allium genus authority = L. subdivision ranks =… … Wikipedia