
1> _ам. _разг. беглый, поверхностный осмотр; беглое
ознакомление; быстрый, но внимательный взгляд;
to give smb. the once-over бегло осмотреть кого-л; быстро,
но внимателно оглядеть кого-л;
he gave every new applicant the once-over он быстро мысленно
взвешивал достоинства и недостатки каждого поступающего;
as she walked in she got the once-over войдя, она
почувствовала на себе быстрые оценивающие взгляды
2> небольшая уборка; быстрое приведение в порядок;
the room needs just the once-over with a duster в комнате
нужно только обмахнуть пыль; по комнате нужно только пройтись
с тряпкой

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "onceover" в других словарях:

  • onceover — n. examining or scrutinizing look; act of glancing at someone (Informal) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • survey — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. view, examine, inspect, appraise; measure, lay out, plot. See vision, measurement. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. study, poll, critique, outline; see examination 1 , questionnaire , review 1 , 2 . v. 1.… …   English dictionary for students

  • muff — n 1. failure, bungle, botch, botchery, blunder; slip, trip, stumble, bumble, fumble, clumsy performance, gaucherie; bad job, sad performance, hash, mess; careless or hasty work, slovenly performance, slapdash work, Inf. a lick and a promise, Inf …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • look — [n1] visual examination attention, beholding, case, cast, contemplation, evil eye*, eye*, flash, gander, gaze, glance, glimpse, gun, inspection, introspection, keeping watch, leer, look see*, marking, noticing, observation, onceover, peek,… …   New thesaurus

  • review — [n1] examination, study analysis, another look*, audit, check, checkup, drill, file, fresh look*, inspection, march past*, onceover*, parade, procession, reassessment, recapitulation, reconsideration, reflection, report, rethink, retrospect,… …   New thesaurus

  • once-over — n. a visual examination, especially of a person of the opposite sex. □ The way she was giving him the onceover, I knew she would say something to him. □ Tom, you are always giving the girls the once over …   Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions

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