

1> _бот. масличная пальма (Elaeis gen.)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "oilpalm" в других словарях:

  • oilpalm — oil palm n. 1. A tall palm tree (Elaeis guineensis) native to tropical Africa, having nutlike fruits that yield a commercially valuable oil. Also called African oil palm. 2. Any of several palms that yield oil. * * * …   Universalium

  • Indian Council of Agricultural Research — (ICAR), New Delhi, India is an autonomous organisation under the Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. Formerly known as Imperial Council of Agricultural Research, it was established on… …   Wikipedia

  • Khammam district — Infobox Indian Jurisdiction type =district native name=Khammam hq =Khammam state name =Andhra Pradesh area = population total= 2565412 latd=17.25 |longd=80.15 website = http://khammam.nic.in/Khammam District (Telugu: ఖమ్మం జిల్లా, Hindi: खम्मम… …   Wikipedia

  • Underutilized crop — Zizyphus mauritiana tree Neglected and underutilized crops are domesticated plant species that have been used for centuries or even millennia for their food, fibre, fodder, oil or medicinal properties, but have been reduced in importance over… …   Wikipedia

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