- oilcloth
- [ʹɔılklɒθ] n
1. клеёнка; линолеум2. промасленная ткань3. = oilskin 2 2)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
oilcloth — oil cloth , n. Cloth rendered waterproof by treatment with oil or paint, and used for marking garments, covering tables, shelves, floors, etc. [1913 Webster +PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
oilcloth — (n.) 1690s, cotton or a similar fabric waterproofed with oil, from OIL (Cf. oil) (n.) + CLOTH (Cf. cloth). In reference to an oil treated canvas used as a cheap floor covering, 1796 … Etymology dictionary
oilcloth — ► NOUN ▪ cotton fabric treated with oil to make it waterproof … English terms dictionary
oilcloth — [oil′klôth΄] n. cloth made waterproof with oil or, now especially, with heavy coats of paint: used to cover tables, shelves, etc … English World dictionary
oilcloth — [[t]ɔ͟ɪlklɒθ, AM klɔːθ[/t]] oilcloths 1) N UNCOUNT Oilcloth is a cotton fabric with a shiny waterproof surface. 2) N COUNT An oilcloth is a covering made from oilcloth, such as a tablecloth … English dictionary
oilcloth — UK [ˈɔɪlˌklɒθ] / US [ˈɔɪlˌklɔθ] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms oilcloth : singular oilcloth plural oilcloths thick cotton cloth with a smooth shiny surface, or a piece of this cloth … English dictionary
oilcloth — n. cloth treated with resins and dyes to make it waterproof; tablecloth made out of oilcloth; linoleum … English contemporary dictionary
oilcloth-flower — kolumbinis anturis statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Aroninių šeimos dekoratyvinis augalas (Anthurium andraeanum), paplitęs Kolumbijoje ir Ekvadore. atitikmenys: lot. Anthurium andraeanum angl. flamingo lily; oilcloth flower šaltinis… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
oilcloth — noun Date: 1796 cloth treated with oil or paint and used for table and shelf coverings … New Collegiate Dictionary
oilcloth — /oyl klawth , kloth /, n., pl. oilcloths / klawdhz , klodhz , klawths , kloths / for 2. n. 1. a cotton fabric made waterproof by being treated with oil and pigment, for use as tablecloths, shelf coverings, and the like. 2. a piece of this fabric … Universalium
oilcloth — noun A fabric or cloth treated on one side with a waterproof covering, especially one made from linseed oil etc.; used for flooring, tablecloths, kitchen shelves and sometimes furniture covering. Syn: linoleum … Wiktionary