
1. [ʹɒfısə] n
1. чиновник, должностное лицо; служащий, сотрудник (учреждения)

assistant officer - помощник должностного лица

customs officer - таможенный чиновник

conference officer - заведующий секретариатом конференции /совещания/

consular officer - консульский работник

executive officer - управляющий делами

scientific /research/ officer - научный сотрудник

relieving officer - попечитель бедных (прихода, округа)

tax officer - налоговый инспектор

health officer - сотрудник министерства здравоохранения

clerical officer - чиновник /секретарь/ духовной канцелярии /консистории/

officers of state - государственные служащие /чиновники/

officer of arms - чиновник геральдической палаты

officer of the court - служащий суда, судебный исполнитель

officers of the conference - должностные лица конференции

2. полицейский; констебль (часто как обращение к полицейскому)
3. воен.
1) офицер; командир

officer of the day - дежурный офицер

officers and men - солдаты и офицеры

officers and crew - мор. команда корабля

billeting officer - квартирьер

officer of the guard - а) амер. начальник караула; б) дежурный по караулам; в) мор. дежурный по рейду

officer of the line - строевой офицер

officer of the watch - мор. вахтенный офицер

officer of the rounds - дежурный по караулам

officer of the deck - дежурный по кораблю

officer commanding - командир (части, подразделения)

officer general - командир соединения, командующий

officer's call - совещание офицеров у командира

officer's day - день командирской учёбы

an officer's authority is usually defined by his commission - полномочия офицера обычно определяются его званием

2) pl офицерский состав
4. мор.
1) капитан на торговом судне
2) первый помощник капитана (тж. first officer)
3) штурман
5. член правления (клуба, общества и т. п.)

the officers of a society - руководство какого-л. общества

yesterday the club elected its officers - вчера в клубе были выборы членов правления

2. [ʹɒfısə] v
1. обыкн. pass укомплектовывать, обеспечивать офицерским составом

to officer a ship - набирать офицеров на корабль

the regiment was well officered - полк был полностью укомплектован офицерами

2. командовать, заправлять

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать реферат


Смотреть что такое "officer" в других словарях:

  • officer — of‧fi‧cer [ˈɒfsə ǁ ˈɒːfsər, ˈɑː ] noun [countable] HUMAN RESOURCES someone who has an important position in an organization. Officer is often used in job titles: • a local government officer • a personnel officer caˈreers ˌofficer HUMAN… …   Financial and business terms

  • officer — of·fic·er n 1: one charged with administering or enforcing the law a police officer 2: one who holds an office of trust, authority, or command the directors, officer s, employees, and shareholders of a corporation 3: one who holds a position of… …   Law dictionary

  • Officer — Of fi*cer, n. [F. officier. See {Office}, and cf. {Official}, n.] 1. One who holds an office; a person lawfully invested with an office, whether civil, military, or ecclesiastical; as, a church officer; a police officer; a staff officer. I am an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • officer — [n1] person who has high position in organization administrator, agent, appointee, bureaucrat, chief, civil servant, deputy, dignitary, director, executive, functionary, head, leader, magistrate, manager, officeholder, official, president, public …   New thesaurus

  • officer — [ôf′i sər, äf′i sər] n. [ME < Anglo Fr & OFr officier < ML officiarius < L officium,OFFICE] 1. anyone elected or appointed to an office or position of authority in a government, business, institution, society, etc. 2. a police officer or …   English World dictionary

  • Officer — Of fi*cer, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Officered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Officering}.] 1. To furnish with officers; to appoint officers over. Marshall. [1913 Webster] 2. To command as an officer; as, veterans from old regiments officered the recruits. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • officer — (n.) early 14c., one who holds an office (originally a high office), from O.Fr. officer, from M.L. officarius, from L. officium (see OFFICE (Cf. office)). The military sense is first recorded 1560s. Applied to petty officials of justice from… …   Etymology dictionary

  • officer — ► NOUN 1) a person holding a position of authority, especially a member of the armed forces who holds a commission or a member of the police force. 2) a holder of a public, civil, or ecclesiastical office …   English terms dictionary

  • Officer — Contents 1 Military 2 Shipping industry 3 Law enforcement 4 …   Wikipedia

  • officer — Person holding office of trust, command or authority in corporation, government, armed services, or other institution or organization. In corporations, a person charged with important functions of management such as president, vice president,… …   Black's law dictionary

  • officer — noun 1 in the army, navy, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ air force, army, military, naval ▪ commanding, high ranking, ranking, senior, superior …   Collocations dictionary

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