- attending physician
- [ə͵tendıŋfıʹzıʃ(ə)n]
лечащий врач, ординатор
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Attending physician — An attending physician (also known as an attending, consultant, or staff physician) is a physician who has completed residency and practices medicine in a clinic or hospital, in the speciality learned during residency. An attending physician can… … Wikipedia
Attending Physician of the United States Congress — The Attending Physician of the United States Congress is the physician responsible for the medical welfare of the members of the United States Congress (the 435 Representatives, five delegates, Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico, and 100… … Wikipedia
Attending physician statement — An attending physician statement (APS) is a report by a Physician, Hospital or Medical facility who has treated, or who is currently treating a proposed insured. In traditional underwriting, an APS is one of the most frequently ordered additional … Wikipedia
attending physician — 1. a physician who has admitting privileges at a hospital. 2. the physician with primary responsibility for the care of a patient in a particular case … Medical dictionary
attending physician — See attendance by physician … Ballentine's law dictionary
attending — In psychology, an aroused readiness to perceive, as in listening or looking; focusing of sense organs is sometimes involved. [L. attendo, to bend to, notice] * * * at·tend·ing ə tend iŋ adj serving as a physician or surgeon on the staff of a… … Medical dictionary
attending — I. adjective Date: circa 1923 serving as a physician on the staff of a teaching hospital < an attending surgeon > II. noun Date: 1951 an attending physician or surgeon … New Collegiate Dictionary
physician — Synonyms and related words: Doctor of Medicine, GP, MD, Md, allopath, allopathist, attending physician, bones, coroner, country doctor, croaker, doc, doctor, family doctor, general practitioner, house physician, intern, leech, man, medic, medical … Moby Thesaurus
attending — at•tend•ing [[t]əˈtɛn dɪŋ[/t]] adj. (of a physician) 1) med having primary responsibility for a patient 2) med holding a staff position in an accredited hospital: an attending physician[/ex] • Etymology: 1580–90 … From formal English to slang
physician — n. 1) an attending; family; house; practicing physician 2) an allopathic; homeopathic; osteopathic physician * * * [fɪ zɪʃ(ə)n] family homeopathic house osteopathic physician practicing physician an allopathic an attending … Combinatory dictionary
Physician — For other uses, see Doctor (disambiguation). Not to be confused with Physicist, a scientist who studies or practices physics. Physician … Wikipedia