
[ʹəʋdə] n
1. 1) запах, особ. неприятный

faint odour - слабый /еле уловимый/ запах

odour test - хим. проба на запах

gas without odour - газ без запаха

to emit an odour - испускать /источать/ запах /аромат/

2) аромат, благоухание

odour of flowers [of perfume] - аромат цветов [духов]

2. привкус; душок; налёт

there is an odour of trickery in the business - это дело попахивает мошенничеством

no odour of dishonesty attaches to it - здесь не возникает ни малейшего подозрения в нечестности

3. репутация, слава

to be in bad /ill/ odour - а) быть в немилости; не пользоваться популярностью; б) иметь плохую репутацию /худую славу/; быть непопулярным среди кого-л.

to be in good odour with smb. - быть в милости /в фаворе/ у кого-л.

odour of sanctity - ореол святости

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "odour" в других словарях:

  • odour — (US odor) ► NOUN 1) a distinctive smell. 2) a lingering quality or impression. ● be in good (or bad) odour Cf. ↑be in good odour DERIVATIVES odorous adjective …   English terms dictionary

  • odour — odour, odoured, odourless chiefly Brit var of ODOR, ODORED, ODORLESS …   Medical dictionary

  • odour — (n.) British English spelling of ODOR (Cf. odor) (q.v.); for spelling, see OR (Cf. or) …   Etymology dictionary

  • odour — a slightly genteel word for ‘smell’, is spelt our in BrE and odor in AmE. The corresponding adjective is odorous in both varieties …   Modern English usage

  • odour — [ō′dər] n. Brit. sp. of ODOR …   English World dictionary

  • odour — n. smell 1) to emit, exude, give off, produce an odour 2) to perceive; recognize an odour 3) a faint, slight; fetid, foul, rank, unpleasant; heavy; musty; pleasant; pungent, strong odour 4) an odour emanates from repute (BE) 5) in bad; good odour …   Combinatory dictionary

  • odour — UK [ˈəʊdə(r)] / US [ˈoʊdər] noun [countable] Word forms odour : singular odour plural odours 1) a smell, especially one that is unpleasant the odour of rotting fruit 2) literary a particular atmosphere, influence, or quality The odour of defeat… …   English dictionary

  • odour — in commercial preparations, the fish species and type of cure has a characteristic odour. Dried heavy salted and green heavy salted fish have a salty odour, slack salted fish have a neutral to cheesy odour and light salted fish have a …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • odour — (BrE) (AmE odor) noun ADJECTIVE ▪ foul, offensive, unpleasant ▪ musty, stale ▪ pungent, strong …   Collocations dictionary

  • odour — o|dour BrE odor AmE [ˈəudə US ˈoudər] n [U and C] a smell, especially an unpleasant one odour of ▪ the faint odour of damp strong/unpleasant/pungent/offensive etc odour ▪ obnoxious odours from a factory →↑body odour …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • odour — [[t]o͟ʊdə(r)[/t]] odours N VAR An odour is a particular and distinctive smell. → See also body odour The whole herb has a characteristic taste and odour... The taste is only slightly bitter, and there is little odour. Syn: aroma, scent (in AM,… …   English dictionary

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