
[ʹɒdıtı] n
1. странность, непонятность; чудаковатость

oddity of character - странная черта характера

the oddity of his dress and manner - эксцентричность его одежды и манер

all people have their oddities - у всех людей есть свои странности

2. чудак, странный человек

to look a regular oddity - выглядеть странным /смешным, чучелом/

I had all sorts of oddities visiting me - у меня бывали самые невероятные люди

3. 1) удивительная, причудливая вещь

among oddities of the sea - среди морских диковин

2) странный случай

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "oddity" в других словарях:

  • Oddity EP — Oddity redirects here. For the dictionary definition, see Wiktionary:oddity. Oddity EP EP by Cold Released …   Wikipedia

  • oddity — odd i*ty ([o^]d [i^]*t[y^]), n.; pl. {Oddities} ([o^]d [i^]*t[i^]z). 1. The quality or state of being odd; singularity; queerness; peculiarity; as, oddity of dress, manners, and the like. [1913 Webster] That infinitude of oddities in him. Sterne …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • oddity — index exception (exclusion), irregularity, quirk (idiosyncrasy), speciality, specialty (distinctive mark) …   Law dictionary

  • oddity — (n.) 1713, odd characteristic or trait, a hybrid from ODD (Cf. odd) + ITY (Cf. ity). Meaning odd person is first recorded 1748 …   Etymology dictionary

  • oddity — ► NOUN (pl. oddities) 1) the quality of being strange. 2) a strange person or thing …   English terms dictionary

  • oddity — [äd′ə tē] n. 1. the state or quality of being odd; queerness; peculiarity; strangeness 2. pl. oddities an odd person or thing …   English World dictionary

  • oddity — [[t]ɒ̱dɪti[/t]] oddities 1) N COUNT An oddity is someone or something that is very strange. Losing my hair made me feel an oddity... Carlson noticed another oddity; his plant had bloomed twice. Syn: curiosity 2) N COUNT: usu the N of n The oddity …   English dictionary

  • oddity — UK [ˈɒdətɪ] / US [ˈɑdətɪ] noun Word forms oddity : singular oddity plural oddities 1) [countable] someone or something that seems strange or unusual In those days a working mother was regarded as a bit of an oddity. 2) [countable/uncountable] a… …   English dictionary

  • oddity — noun 1) she was regarded as a bit of an oddity Syn: eccentric, misfit, square peg in a round hole, maverick, nonconformist, odd one, rare bird, crank; informal character, oddball, weirdo, crackpot, nut, freak, screwball, kook, queer/odd fish …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • oddity — odd|i|ty [ˈɔdıti US ˈa: ] n plural oddities 1.) a strange or unusual person or thing ▪ In a class of 120 students there were four women including myself, and I still felt rather an oddity. 2.) [U and C] a strange quality in someone or something ▪ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • oddity — odd|i|ty [ adəti ] noun 1. ) count someone or something that seems strange or unusual: In those days a working mother was regarded as something of an oddity. 2. ) count or uncount a strange or unusual quality in someone or something: the oddity… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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