- oculomotor
- [͵ɒkjʋləʹməʋtə] a анат.
глазной, глазодвигательный
oculomotor nerve - глазной нерв
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
oculomotor nerve - глазной нерв
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
oculomotor — OCULOMOTÓR, OÁRE, oculomotori, oare, adj., s.m. (anat.) (Muşchi, nerv) care controlează mişcarea globului ocular. – Din fr. oculomoteur. Trimis de oprocopiuc, 02.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 oculomotór adj. m., pl. oculomotóri; … Dicționar Român
Oculomotor — Oc u*lo*mo tor, a. [Oculo + motor.] (Anat.) Of or pertaining to the movement of the eye; applied especially to the common motor nerves (or third pair of cranial nerves) which supply many of the muscles of the orbit. n. The oculomotor nerve. [1913 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
oculomotor — con capacidad para mover los ojos Diccionario ilustrado de Términos Médicos.. Alvaro Galiano. 2010. oculomotor Relativo a los movimientos del globo ocular … Diccionario médico
oculomotor — [äk΄yo͞o lō mōt′ər, äk΄yəlō mōt′ər] adj. [ OCULO + MOTOR] moving the eyeball; specif. designating or of either nerve of the third pair of cranial nerves, arising in the midbrain and supplying four of the six muscles that move each eyeball … English World dictionary
oculomotor — Pertaining to the o. cranial nerve. [L. oculomotorius, fr. oculo + L. motorius, moving] * * * oc·u·lo·mo·tor .äk yə lə mōt ər adj 1) moving or tending to move the eyeball 2) of or relating to the oculomotor nerve oculomotor n an oculomotor part… … Medical dictionary
oculomotor — adjective Etymology: Latin oculus eye + English o + motor Date: circa 1890 1. moving or tending to move the eyeball 2. of or relating to the oculomotor nerve … New Collegiate Dictionary
oculomotor — /ok yeuh loh moh teuhr/, adj. moving or tending to move the eyeball: an oculomotor muscle. [1880 85; OCULO + MOTOR] * * * … Universalium
oculomotor — Eng. Oculomotor Relativo o perteneciente a los movimientos del ojo … Diccionario de oftalmología
oculomotor — noun supplies extrinsic muscles of the eye • Syn: ↑oculomotor nerve, ↑nervus oculomotorius, ↑third cranial nerve • Hypernyms: ↑cranial nerve … Useful english dictionary
Oculomotor nerve palsy — Classification and external resources Eye nerves diagram ICD 10 H49 … Wikipedia
oculomotor nucleus — n a nucleus that is situated under the aqueduct of Sylvius rostral to the trochlear nucleus and is the source of the motor fibers of the oculomotor nerve * * * nucleus of oculomotor nerve n. nervi oculomotorii … Medical dictionary