- octodecimo
- [͵ɒktəʋʹdesım|əʋ] n (pl -os [-{͵ɒktəʋʹdesım}əʋz])
1) формат (книги) в 1/18 долю листа2) книга такого формата
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Octodecimo — Oc todec i*mo, a. [L. octodecim eighteen. See {Octavo}, {Decimal}, and { mo}.] Having eighteen leaves to a sheet; as, an octodecimo form, book, leaf, size, etc. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
octodecimo — or 18 mo [äk΄tō des′ə mō΄] n. pl. octodecimos [< L (in) octodecimo, (in) eighteen, abl. of octodecimus, eighteenth] 1. a page size (about 4 by 6 1/ 2 in), 1/ 18 of a printer s sheet 2. a book with pages of this size: Also called eighteenmo,… … English World dictionary
Octodecimo — Oc to*dec i*mo, n.; pl. {Octodecimos}. A book composed of sheets each of which is folded into eighteen leaves; hence; indicating more or less definitely a size of book, whose sheets are so folded; usually written 18mo or 18[deg], and called… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
octodecimo — /ok teuh des euh moh /, n., pl. octodecimos for 2, adj. n. 1. a book size of about 4 × 6 1/4 in. (10 × 16 cm), determined by printing on sheets folded to form 18 leaves or 36 pages. Symbol: 18mo, 18° 2. a book of this size. adj. 3. in octodecimo … Universalium
octodecimo — /ɒktoʊˈdɛsəmoʊ/ (say oktoh desuhmoh) noun (plural octodecimos) 1. a book size determined by printing on sheets folded to form eighteen leaves or thirty six pages; eighteenmo. Abbrev.: 18mo, 18° –adjective 2. in octodecimo. {New Latin in… …
octodecimo — adj. in octodecimo, having 18 leaves oc·to·dec·i·mo || ‚ɑktəʊ desɪməʊ /‚ɒk n. book composed of sheets folded into 18 leaves or 36 pages, 4 X 6 1/2 inch book with 18 pages … English contemporary dictionary
octodecimo — [ˌɒktəʊ dɛsɪməʊ] noun (plural octodecimos) a size of book page resulting from folding each printed sheet into eighteen leaves (thirty six pages). Origin C19: from L. in octodecimo in an eighteenth , from octodecimus eighteenth … English new terms dictionary
octodecimo — n. book size. ♦ demy octodecimo, 5 3/ 4 x 3 3/ 4 in (abbr. 18mo.) … Dictionary of difficult words
octodecimo — n. (pl. os) 1 a size of book or page given by folding a standard sheet into eighteen leaves. 2 a book or sheet of this size. Etymology: in octodecimo f. L octodecimus eighteenth … Useful english dictionary
octodecimo — noun a) A size of a sheet of paper resulting from folding and cutting a sheet of paper into eighteenths (3.5 4.5 x 4.9 5.9 ). b) A book consisting of pages of that size. Syn: 18mo, eighteenmo, 18°, T … Wiktionary
octodecimo — oc·to·dec·i·mo … English syllables