- ocellus
- [əʋʹseləs] n (pl ocelli)
1. маленький глаз, глазок2. pl фасеточные глаза (насекомых)3. зоол. глазок или пятнышко в окраске
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
OCELLUS — nomen floris eximii, Oeillet, de quo sic Franc. Pomey, Ocellus, anne sic dictus, quod in eius aspectu blandissime acquiescat oculus, an quod ipsemet sit hortorum oculus et ornamentum? Nihil certe spectare oculus possit, vel eius formosius formâ;… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Ocellus — O*cel lus, n.; pl. {Ocelli}. [L., dim. of oculus an eye.] (Zo[ o]l.) (a) A little eye; a minute simple eye found in many invertebrates. (b) An eyelike spot of color, as those on the tail of the peacock. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ocellus — (lat.), 1) Äuglein; 2) so v.w. Auge 3) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
ocellus — [ō sel′əs] n. pl. ocelli [ō sel′ī΄] [L, dim. of oculus,EYE] 1. the simple eyespot of certain invertebrates, as distinguished from the compound eye of an insect or the camera type eye of vertebrates and cephalopods 2. an eyelike spot, as on a… … English World dictionary
Ocellus — An ocellus (plural: ocelli) is a type of photoreceptor organ in animals. Also called simple eyes , ocelli are miniature eyes capable of sensing light but not distinguishing its direction. See also stemmata, which are structurally similar. Ocelli… … Wikipedia
Ocellus — Gesichtspartie eines Triops mit zwei Komplexaugen und einem Ocellus Als Ocellus (lat. „Äuglein“, Mehrzahl Ocelli bzw. Ocellen) werden in der Zoologie die punktförmigen Lichtsinnesorgane (Punktaugen) und Hautaugen verschiedener Tiergruppen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ocellus — (plural ocelli)) an eye like spot, usually rounded with a lighter border, e.g. the ocellus on the wings of some Rajidae … Dictionary of ichthyology
Ocellus Lucanus — Ocellus Lucanus, a Pythagorean philosopher, born in Lucania in the 5th century BC, was perhaps a pupil of Pythagoras himself. Stobaeus (Ecl. Phys. i. 13) has preserved a fragment of his Περὶ νόμου (if he was really the author) in the Doric… … Wikipedia
Ocellus Lucanus — Ocellus Lucanus, s. Okellos … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Ocellus Lucanus — d.h. O. aus Lukanien (Großgriechenland), ein um 500 v. Chr. lebender Philosoph, der noch den Unterricht des Pythagoras genossen haben soll. Diogenes Laertius erwähnt mehre Schriften von ihm, die Echtheit einer noch vorhandenen Abhandlung über die … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
OCELLUS Indicus — Gall. Oeillet d Inde, nomen itidem floris, quem, nisi terrâ enascentem cerneremus et ceterorum more surgentem solô, quis Florem crederet, ac non potius circum incisam eleganti opere, ex auro crispo, sphaerulam? Sane, non aeque specioso flavescit… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale