- occidentalist
- [͵ɒksıʹdentəlıst] n
1. приверженец западной культуры; западник2. исследователь западных языков и культур
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
occidentalist — OCCIDENTALÍST, Ă adj., s. m. f. (adept) al occidentalismului. (< fr. occidentaliste) Trimis de raduborza, 15.09.2007. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
occidentalist — oc·ci·den·tal·ist … English syllables
occidentalist — lə̇st noun ( s) Usage: often capitalized : one who favors occidental culture … Useful english dictionary
Occidentalism — Occidentalist, n., adj. /ok si den tl iz euhm/, n. Occidental character or characteristics. [1830 40; OCCIDENTAL + ISM] * * * … Universalium
Interlingua — Not to be confused with Interlingue or Interlanguage. This article is about the auxiliary language created by the International Auxiliary Language Association. For other uses, see Interlingua (disambiguation). Interlingua Pronunciation… … Wikipedia
Edgar de Wahl — Edgar von Wahl or Edgar de Wahl (born August 11, 1867 in Olwiopol, Imperial Russia (now Pervomaysk, Ukraine); died in 1948 in Estonia) was a teacher and creator of the language Occidental. An Estonian of ethnic Baltic German origin, he studied in … Wikipedia
Traverse City West Senior High — School is a public high school in Traverse City, Michigan, located at 5376 N. Long Lake Road. The principal is Joseph Tibaldi, who has been the principal since the school s opening in 1997. The school was originally built as a solution to the… … Wikipedia
Orientalism (book) — Orientalism … Wikipedia
Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere — Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière (18 January 1916 – 27 December 1962) was a French religious philosopher. He was born in Paris, France, the son of Georges Constantine Louis Raynaud, who was an engineer, and Virginie Marie Billet.[citation needed] His … Wikipedia
Li Europan lingues — is a quote in Occidental, an international auxiliary language devised by Edgar von Wahl in 1922. It is used in some HTML templates as a fill in or placeholder text. One of the most common placeholder texts is lorem ipsum. A similar text of this… … Wikipedia
Stefano Bakonyi — Dr. Stefano Bakonyi (1892 1969), was a Hungarian writer, consultant, and pioneering engineer. Bakonyi was born near Budapest into a family of modest means. After completing the classic gymnasium, he studied chemistry as a student worker. Between… … Wikipedia