- obol
- [ʹɒbɒl] n
1. обол (серебряная, позже медная монета в Древней Греции)2. = obole
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
obol — OBÓL, (1) oboluri, s.n., (2) oboli, s.m. 1. s.n. Sumă modestă cu care cineva contribuie la o acţiune; p. gener. contribuţie de orice natură. ♢ expr. A şi da obolul = a contribui cu un mic ajutor în scop de binefacere. 2. s.m. Veche monedă… … Dicționar Român
Obol — may refer to: Obolus, a type of silver coin used in Ancient Greece Obol (programming language), a programming language Obol Investment, a Swedish company involved in a major fraud scandal Charon s obol, coins buried with the dead to secure… … Wikipedia
obol — òbol m DEFINICIJA 1. pov. sitan srebrni novac u staroj Grčkoj (šestina drahme) 2. pren. a. dar u novcu, novčani prilog; donacija b. doprinos čemu u duhovnom ili materijalnom smislu [davati obol] ETIMOLOGIJA grč. obolós … Hrvatski jezični portal
obol — obol; tri·obol; … English syllables
òbol — m 1. {{001f}}pov. sitan srebrni novac u staroj Grčkoj (šestina drahme) 2. {{001f}}pren. a. {{001f}}dar u novcu, novčani prilog; donacija b. {{001f}}doprinos čemu u duhovnom ili materijalnom smislu [davati ∼] ✧ {{001f}}grč … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
obol — (n.) ancient Greek small coin and weight, 1660s, from Gk. obolos, identical with obelos a spit, needle. From the original shape … Etymology dictionary
obol — Obole Ob ole, n. [Cf. F. obole. See {Obolus}.] (Old Pharm.) A weight of twelve grains; or, according to some, of ten grains, or half a scruple. [Written also {obol}.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Obol’ — Sp Òbalė Ap Обаль/Obal’ baltarusiškai (gudiškai) Ap Оболь/Obol’ rusiškai L g tė C, u., ež. ir g tė Š Baltarusijoje … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
óbol — tudi óbolos a m (ọ̑) num. srebrn starogrški novec manjše vrednosti: v svoji zbirki ima tudi dva obola tudi óbolos tudi óbolus a m (ọ̑) ekspr. (denarni) prispevek manjše vrednosti: dati, priložiti svoj obol; skušal mu je pomagati s svojim obolom … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
obol — , obolos, obolus a historic unit of weight or mass. The obol is a very small weight that originated as the weight of a tiny Greek coin. In ancient Greece the obolos was equal to 1/6 drachma, or roughly half a gram (8 grains). In Rome, the… … Dictionary of units of measurement
Obol Investment — Obol company logo. Obol Investment was a Swedish company involved in fund managing and sponsoring sport events. In 2006, it signed a 15 year sponsorship deal with the Swedish Basketball Federation that resulted in the renaming of Basketligan (… … Wikipedia