- obmutescent
- [͵ɒbmju:ʹtes(ə)nt] a арх.
хранящий упорное молчание; немой
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
obmutescent — /ob mū tesˈənt/ adjective 1. Speechless 2. Persistently silent ORIGIN: L obmūtescens, entis, prp of obmūtescere to become dumb, from ob (intens), and mūtus dumb • • • obmutescˈence noun … Useful english dictionary
obmutescent — adjective Silent; unable or refusing to speak. See Also: obmutescence … Wiktionary
obmutescent — Preferring to have silence or to avoid noise … Grandiloquent dictionary
obmutescence — noun Silence; inability or refusal to speak. See Also: obmutescent … Wiktionary
mute — a. 1. Dumb, obmutescent, unable to speak, incapable of speech. 2. Silent, speechless, still. 3. Silent, unpronounced … New dictionary of synonyms
close-mouthed — adj reticent, taciturn, uncommunicative, reserved, retiring, quiet, close; silent, mute, mum, obmutescent, secretive, evasive; brief, terse, concise, laconic, Rare. pauciloquent … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
dark — adj 1. lightless, aphotic, opaque, black, black as ink, inky, pitch dark, pitchy, jetblack, jetty; unilluminated, unlit, shady, shadowy, Literary. darkling; murky, foggy, misty, tenebrous, Archaic. caligi nous; dull, dim, faint, pale, feeble,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder