
1. [ɔ:] n
1. весло

to toss oars - поднимать вёсла в знак приветствия

to pull a good oar - хорошо грести

to ship /to unship/ oars, to lie /to rest/ on the (one's) oars - вынимать вёсла из уключин; мор. сушить вёсла [ср. тж. ]

unship oars! - мор. вёсла на борт! (команда)

2. гребец

good [poor] oar - хороший [плохой] гребец

3. спорт. (лодка) распашная (тж. oars)

pair [four] oars - двухвесельная [четырёхвесельная] лодка; двойка [четвёрка] распашная

4. мешалка; лопатка (для размешивания)

chained to the oar - занятый тяжёлым, изнурительным трудом; вынужденный тянуть лямку

to have /to ply, to pull, to take, to tug/ the labouring oar - взять на себя большую /наиболее трудную/ часть работы

to have /to put, to shove, to stick/ in one's oar - вмешиваться (в чужие дела, разговор и т. п.); ≅ совать нос не в своё дело

to have an oar in every man's boat - постоянно вмешиваться в чужие дела

to lie /to rest/ on one's oars - а) отдыхать, расслабиться; бездействовать; б) почивать на лаврах; [ср. тж. 1]

2. [ɔ:] v
1. грести; идти на вёслах (тж. to oar one's way)
2. refl грести руками

he oared himself to the shore - он догрёб до берега

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "oar" в других словарях:

  • Oar — ([=o]r), n [AS. [=a]r; akin to Icel. [=a]r, Dan. aare, Sw. [*a]ra; perh. akin to E. row, v. Cf. {Rowlock}.] [1913 Webster] 1. An implement for impelling a boat, being a slender piece of timber, usually ash or spruce, with a grip or handle at one… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • OAR — is a tool used for rowing a boat OAR or oar may refer to: OAR or the Order of Augustinian Recollects a religious order in the Roman Catholic Church founded in 1589 through the Chapter of Toledo O.A.R. or Of a Revolution, a band from Rockville,… …   Wikipedia

  • OAR — ist der Familienname von: Tommy Oar (* 1991), australischer Fußballspieler OAR steht für: das Originalseitenverhältnis, siehe Seitenverhältnis eine Rockband, siehe OAR (Band) die Offene Antifa Recklinghausen, siehe OAR (Antifa) die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Oar — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. OAR, sigle de trois lettres, peut faire référence à : Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, une agence américaine liée au Cooperative Institute …   Wikipédia en Français

  • oar — (n.) O.E. ar oar, from P.Gmc. *airo (Cf. O.N. ar, Dan. aare, Swed. ôra), of unknown origin; perhaps related to L. remus oar, Gk. eretes rower, eretmos oar …   Etymology dictionary

  • oar — [ôr] n. [ME ore < OE ar, akin to ON < IE * oyer , rudder pole < base * ei , * oi , pole, rod > Gr oiēion, rudder] 1. a long pole with a broad blade at one end, held in place by an oarlock and used in pairs to row a boat: a single oar… …   English World dictionary

  • oar — [o: US o:r] n [: Old English; Origin: ar] 1.) a long pole with a wide flat blade at one end, used for rowing a boat →↑paddle 2.) put/stick/get your oar in BrE informal to get involved in a conversation or situation when the other people do not… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • oar — oar·age; oar; oar·man; …   English syllables

  • oar — ► NOUN ▪ a pole with a flat blade, used for rowing or steering a boat. ● put one s oar in Cf. ↑put one s oar in ORIGIN Old English …   English terms dictionary

  • Oar — Oar, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. {Oared}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Oaring}.] To row. Oared himself. Shak. [1913 Webster] Oared with laboring arms. Pope. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • oar — [ ɔr ] noun count a long stick with a wide flat blade at one end, used for ROWING a boat stick your oar in BRITISH INFORMAL to give your opinion about something that other people are discussing without being asked to …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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