Смотреть что такое "nuyorican" в других словарях:
Nuyorican — Poets Cafe, Alphabet City, Manhattan, New York Nuyorican is a portmanteau of the terms New York and Puerto Rican and refers to the members or culture of the Puerto Rican diaspora located in or around New York State especially the New York City… … Wikipedia
Nuyorican — noun Etymology: blend of American Spanish nuyorquino New Yorker and English Puerto Rican Date: 1975 a person of Puerto Rican birth or descent who is a current or former resident of New York City • Nuyorican adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
nuyorican — ˌnüyȯrˈrēkən noun ( s) Usage: capitalized Etymology: modification of American Spanish nuyorriqueño, blend of Spanish nuyorquino New Yorker, and puertorriqueño Puerto Rican : neorican herein • nuyorican adjective, usually capitalized * * * … Useful english dictionary
Nuyorican Movement — Nuyorican Movement … Wikipedia
Nuyorican Productions — is a production company owned by singer/Songwriter/Actress/Designer/Director/Entrepreneur Jennifer Lopez, which was once co owned by her ex husband Cris Judd. The production company is worth an estimated 100 million dollars in NET Worth Stocks.… … Wikipedia
Nuyorican Poets Café — The Nuyorican Poets Café building on East 3rd street in that part of the Lower East Side which in the 1990s realtors and sometimes others used to call Alphabet City, Manhattan. (August 2008) The Nuyorican Poets Café is a non profit organization… … Wikipedia
Nuyorican Poets Cafe — Das Nuyorican Poets Cafe ist ein multi ethnisches Kulturzentrum in der Lower East Side von New York. Durch seine Poetry Veranstaltungen erlangte es große Bedeutung für die internationale Spoken Word und Poetry Slam Szene. Es ist das Zentrum der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nuyorican — /nooh yaw ree keuhn, nyooh /, n., adj. Neorican. [1970 75; by alteration (influence of Sp Nu(eva) Yor(k) New York)] * * * … Universalium
Nuyorican — 1. adjective Of or pertaining to New Yorkers of Puerto Rican descent. 2. noun A New Yorker of Puerto Rican descent … Wiktionary
nuyorican — nu·yo·ri·can … English syllables
Nuyorican — Nu•yo•ri•can [[t]ˌnu yɔˈri kən, ˌnyu [/t]] n. adj. Neorican • Etymology: 1970–75; by alteration (influence of Sp Nu(eva) Yor(k) New York) … From formal English to slang