number one

number one
1. [͵nʌmbəʹwʌn] n (иногда No. 1)
1. своё «я», собственная персона

to take care of /to look after/ number one - заботиться о собственной персоне

2. мор. жарг. (первый) помощник командира
3. главное лицо, начальник (какой-л. организации)

George is number one here - здесь всем заправляет Джордж

number one boy - директор, глава (фирмы и т. п.)

4. разг. пи-пи, писанье
2. [͵nʌmbəʹwʌn] a
главный, основной; первоклассный, первосортный

enemy No. 1 - главный противник, враг номер один

these poems are number one - амер. это первоклассные /превосходные/ стихи

this is our number one difficulty - это основная наша трудность

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "number one" в других словарях:

  • Number One — or number one abbreviated #1, No 1 is used in a variety of meanings: Numerical * 1 (number) Music * #1 , an album by Fischerspooner * Konono N°1, a musical group from Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo * No.1 , an album by BoA * #1 , a… …   Wikipedia

  • Number one — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Musique Number Ones, album de Michael Jackson. Number One, album de Willy Denzey. Number One est le surnom donné par Stevie Ray Vaughan à l une de ses… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • number one — number one1 n 1.) [U] the best, most important, or most successful person or thing in a group ▪ Until his marriage, his job was number one in his life. ▪ Shearson is number one in the market this year. 2.) [U and C] the musical record that is the …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Number One — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda «Number One» Sencillo de Linkin Park del álbum Transformers and the Battle of the Earth OST Publicación 18 de julio de 2011 Formato CD …   Wikipedia Español

  • number one — number one1 noun singular 1. ) the person or thing that is first in order or importance: The team is number one in the regional game. 2. ) in popular music, the record that has sold the most copies in a particular week 3. ) MAINLY SPOKEN used for …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • number one — number ones 1) ADJ: ADJ n Number one means better, more important, or more popular than anything else of its kind. [INFORMAL] The economy is the number one issue by far... By the way, I m your number one fan. 2) N COUNT In popular music, the… …   English dictionary

  • Number\ One — • Number One I. n. phr. informal Yourself; your own interests; your private or selfish advantage. Usually used in the phrase look out for number one . He was well known for his habit of always looking out for number one. II. adj. phr. 1. Of first …   Словарь американских идиом

  • number\ one — • Number One I. n. phr. informal Yourself; your own interests; your private or selfish advantage. Usually used in the phrase look out for number one . He was well known for his habit of always looking out for number one. II. adj. phr. 1. Of first …   Словарь американских идиом

  • number one — UK US noun [U] ► INFORMAL the person or thing that is the best or has the most important position in an organization, group, market, etc.: »They ran an aggressive advertising campaign as part of their plan to become number one in the UK market.… …   Financial and business terms

  • number one — ► NOUN informal 1) oneself. 2) the foremost person or thing. 3) a first lieutenant in the navy …   English terms dictionary

  • number one — Informal n. 1. oneself ☆ 2. the first, usually the very best, quality or grade …   English World dictionary

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