- nubbin
- [ʹnʌbın] n амер.
1. = nubble2. 1) маленький или дефектный початок кукурузы2) маленькое или дефектное яблоко или др. плод3. небольшой выступ, шишка4. = nub 5
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Nubbin — Nub bin, n. A small or imperfect ear of maize. [Colloq. U. S.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
nubbin — (n.) stunted ear of corn, 1690s, American English dim. of NUB (Cf. nub). General sense of small piece is from 1857 … Etymology dictionary
nubbin — [nub′in] n. [dim. of NUB] ☆ 1. a small or imperfect ear of Indian corn 2. anything small or undeveloped [nubbins of coal] … English World dictionary
nubbin — noun a) A stub, especially a stub of undeveloped corn or fruit or nipple. As an avid button collector, I have had to develop an efficient way of removing the nubbin of thread from the button hole. b) A small protuberance, bud, bu … Wiktionary
nubbin — When someone s ribs stick out at a point on the chest. It ain t lovin unless it s from the nubbin … Dictionary of american slang
nubbin — When someone s ribs stick out at a point on the chest. It ain t lovin unless it s from the nubbin … Dictionary of american slang
nubbin — noun Etymology: perhaps diminutive of nub Date: 1692 1. something (as an ear of Indian corn) that is small for its kind, stunted, undeveloped, or imperfect 2. a small usually projecting part or bit 3. nub 3 … New Collegiate Dictionary
nubbin — bass (Micropterus spp., Centrarchidae) too short to meet tournament standards; usually less than 14 inches (ca. 36 cm). Also called baby, dink, throw back, pop corn, and slick … Dictionary of ichthyology
nubbin — /nub in/, n. 1. a small lump or stunted piece; stub. 2. a small or imperfect ear of corn. 3. an undeveloped fruit. [1685 95, Amer.; perh. NUB + in, var. of ING1] * * * … Universalium
nubbin — Synonyms and related words: bantam, banty, bilge, blain, bleb, blister, blob, boss, bow, bubble, bulb, bulge, bulla, bump, bunch, burden, burl, button, cahot, chine, chit, clump, condyle, convex, core, crux, diminutive, dowel, ear, featherweight … Moby Thesaurus
nubbin — nÊŒbɪn n. undeveloped fruit; small ear of corn … English contemporary dictionary