
1. [ʹnəʋweə] n
ничто; неизвестное или пустое место

miles from nowhere - очень далеко, в глуши; ≅ у чёрта на куличках

a man in uniform came out of nowhere - Неизвестно откуда вынырнул человек в форме

he rose to fame out of nowhere - из полной неизвестности он вознёсся к славе

2. [ʹnəʋweə] a амер. сл.
отсталый; несовременный; обывательский
3. [ʹnəʋweə] adv
1. 1) нигде

nowhere near - нигде поблизости [см. тж. ]

he was nowhere to be found - его нигде не могли найти

2) никуда; некуда

where did you go? - Nowhere - куда вы ходили? - Никуда

they have nowhere to go - им некуда пойти

2. в тупике; в трудном или безвыходном положении

to be /to come in/ nowhere - а) спорт. не попасть в число участников финала; б) безнадёжно отстать; провалиться, потерпеть поражение; в) амер. растеряться; ничего не знать

this will take you nowhere - это ничего вам не даст

this takes us nowhere - это ни к чему не ведёт, это ничего не даёт (о бесполезном разговоре и т. п.)

when he began to ask me questions about surgery I was just nowhere - когда он меня начал спрашивать по хирургии, я стал «плавать»

nowhere near - ни капли, нисколько, далеко не, отнюдь не [см. тж. 1, 1)]

this is nowhere near so good as that - это гораздо хуже того

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "nowhere" в других словарях:

  • Nowhere — may refer to: Contents 1 Music 2 Other art and entertainment 3 Places …   Wikipedia

  • Nowhere to Go — may refer to: in film Nowhere to Go (1958 film), a 1958 film directed by Basil Dearden and Seth Holt John Shea in music Nowhere to Go , a song by The Miracles from their 1973 album Renaissance Nowhere to Go , a song by Soul Asylum from their 1986 …   Wikipedia

  • nowhere — ► ADVERB ▪ not in or to any place. ► PRONOUN 1) no place. 2) a place that is remote or uninteresting. ● from (or out of) nowhere Cf. ↑out of nowhere ● get (or go) …   English terms dictionary

  • Nowhere — No where , adv. [AS. n[=a]hw[=ae]r. See {No}, and {Where}.] Not anywhere; not in any place or state; as, the book is nowhere to be found. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nowhere — (adv.) O.E. nahwær nowhere, not at all; see NO (Cf. no) + WHERE (Cf. where). Similar constructions were attempted with nowhat (1520s) and nowhen (1764), but they failed to take hold and remain nonce words …   Etymology dictionary

  • nowhere — [nō′hwer΄, nō′wer΄] adv. [ME nowher < OE nahwær] not in, at, or to any place, not anywhere: also [Informal or Dial.] Informal Dial. nowheres n. 1. a place that is nonexistent, unknown, remote, etc. 2. a place or state of obscurity nowhere near …   English World dictionary

  • nowhere — [[t]no͟ʊ(h)weə(r)[/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) ADV INDEF NEG: ADV with be, ADV after v, oft ADV cl/group (emphasis) You use nowhere to emphasize that a place has more of a particular quality than any other places, or that it is the only place where something… …   English dictionary

  • nowhere — no|where S2 [ˈnəuweə US ˈnouwer] adv 1.) not in any place or to any place nowhere to go/live/sit etc ▪ I have no job and nowhere to live. ▪ Nowhere is drug abuse more of a problem than in the US. 2.) get/go nowhere to have no success or make no… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • nowhere — adverb 1 also no place AmE informal not in any place or to any place: I have no job and nowhere to live. | nowhere else (=no other place): You ve got to help me. I ve nowhere else to go. 2 get nowhere to have no success or make no progress: It s… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • nowhere — no|where [ nou,wer, nou,hwer ] adverb ** 1. ) not in any place or not to any place: Nowhere on earth is free from ecological damage. There is nowhere else for me to stay. Nowhere does it say that we cannot have guests in our rooms. Many people… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • nowhere */*/ — UK [ˈnəʊweə(r)] / US [ˈnoʊˌwer] / US [ˈnoʊˌhwer] adverb 1) not in any place, or not to any place Nowhere on earth is free from ecological damage. There is nowhere else for me to stay. Nowhere does it say that we cannot have guests in our rooms.… …   English dictionary

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