- notogaea
- [͵nəʋtəʹdʒi:ə] n
нотогея (зоогеографический ареал, включающий Австралию, Новую Зеландию и неотропики)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Notogaea — [nōt΄ə jē′ə] n. [ModL < Gr notos, south, south wind, rain bringing wind < IE * (s)not < base * (s)na , to flow > NATANT] one of three primary zoogeographic areas of the earth, including Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Sulawesi,… … English World dictionary
Notogaea — n. [Gr. notos, back; ge, earth] The zoogeographical area including Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Ocean Islands regions … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Notogaea — Notogaean, n., adj. Notogaeal, Notogaeic, adj. /noh teuh jee euh/, n. a biogeographical division comprising the Australian region. Also, Notogea. [ < NL < Gk nóto(s) the south + gaîa earth, land] * * * … Universalium
Notogaea — /noʊtəˈdʒiə / (say nohtuh jeeuh) noun a biogeographical area of the earth s land area including Australia, New Zealand, part of South East Asia, and the islands of the Pacific. Formerly, Central and South America were also included. {New Latin,… …
Notogaea — Notogaean, n., adj. Notogaeal, Notogaeic, adj. /noh teuh jee euh/, n. a biogeographical division comprising the Australian region. Also, Notogea. [ < NL < Gk nóto(s) the south + gaîa earth, land] … Useful english dictionary
Tiergeographie — Die geographische Verbreitung der Tiere auf der Erde ist das Ergebnis einer Reihe verschiedenartiger Faktoren, die in der Vorzeit tätig waren und bis heute fortwirken; sie verursachen eine noch unter unsern Augen sich vollziehende, langsame, aber … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Dugesia — For the plant, see Dugesia (plant). Dugesia Dugesia subtentaculata Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
biogeographic region — Introduction area of animal and plant distribution having similar or shared characteristics throughout. It is a matter of general experience that the plants and animals of the land and inland waters differ to a greater or lesser… … Universalium
notornis — [nō tôr′nis] n. [ModL < Gr notos, the south (see NOTOGAEA) + ornis, bird] any of a rare genus (Notornis) of nonflying gallinulelike birds of New Zealand … English World dictionary
notogaeic — adjective see notogaean * * * Notogaeˈan or Notogaeˈic adjective • • • Main Entry: ↑Notogaea … Useful english dictionary
No|to|gae|an — «NOH tuh JEE uhn», adjective. of or having to do with the Notogaea … Useful english dictionary