notary public

notary public
[͵nəʋtərıʹpʌblık] (pl notaries public, notary publics) юр.
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Смотреть что такое "notary public" в других словарях:

  • notary public — no·ta·ry public / nō tə rē / n pl no·ta·ries public or notary publics [Latin notarius stenographer, from nota note, shorthand character]: a public officer who certifies and attests to the authenticity of writings (as deeds) and takes affidavits,… …   Law dictionary

  • notary public — notary UK [ˈnəʊtərɪ] / US [ˈnoʊtərɪ] or notary public UK / US noun [countable] Word forms notary : singular notary plural notaries Word forms notary public : singular notary public plural notaries public legal someone who has the legal authority… …   English dictionary

  • notary public — UK US noun [C] (plural notaries public) (also notary (plural notaries)) ► LAW a type of lawyer who has the legal authority to see that documents are correctly signed or that they are true copies, and to make these documents official or legal:… …   Financial and business terms

  • notary public — Notary No ta*ry, n.; pl. {Notaries}. [F. notaire, L. notarius notary (in sense 1), fr. nota mark. See 5th {Note}.] [1913 Webster] 1. One who records in shorthand what is said or done; as, the notary of an ecclesiastical body. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • notary public — n. pl. notaries public or notary publics an official authorized to certify or attest documents, take depositions and affidavits, etc …   English World dictionary

  • Notary public — An embossed foil Notary Seal from the State of New York. A notary public (or notary or public notary) in the common law world is a public officer constituted by law to serve the public in non contentious matters usually concerned with estates,… …   Wikipedia

  • notary public — noun (plural notaries public or notary publics) Etymology: Middle English notary clerk, notary public, from Latin notarius clerk, secretary, from notarius of shorthand, from nota note, shorthand character Date: 15th century a public officer who… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • notary public — notaras statusas Aprobuotas sritis civilinė teisė ir procesas apibrėžtis Valstybės įgaliotas asmuo, kuriam Lietuvos Respublikos notariato įstatyme nustatyta teisė įtvirtinti neginčijamas fizinių ir juridinių asmenų subjektines teises ir… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • Notary public (Florida) — In the U.S. state of Florida, a notary public is a public officer appointed by the governor of the state to take acknowledgments, administer oaths, attest to photocopies of certain documents, solemnize marriage, protest the non acceptance or non… …   Wikipedia

  • Notary public (New York) — An Embossed Notary Seal. This type of seal is no longer legally sufficient in New York State. Notaries public in New York are commissioned by the Secretary of State of New York after passing a short examination in law and procedure.[1] A notar …   Wikipedia

  • Notary public (Virginia) — Note: The General Assembly has established changes regarding the laws pertaining to notaries public,[1] of which take place on July 1, 2007 and some which take place on July 1, 2008. See the bottom of the article for more details. A notary public …   Wikipedia

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