

1> носок, передняя часть
2> часть (шлема, очков), закрывающая нос или прилегающая к носу
3> переносье, нахрапник (уздечки)
4> _тех. наконечник, сопло
5> _спец. револьверная оправа (микроскопа); револьвер для
смены объективов (в микроскопе)
6> брандспойт

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "nosepiece" в других словарях:

  • nosepiece — [nōz′pēs΄] n. 1. that part of a helmet which covers and protects the nose 2. NOSEBAND 3. anything like a nose in form or position, as the lower end of a microscope: see MICROSCOPE 4. the bridge of a pair of eyeglasses …   English World dictionary

  • nosepiece — noun Date: circa 1611 1. a piece of armor for protecting the nose 2. the end piece of a microscope body to which an objective is attached 3. the bridge of a pair of eyeglasses …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • nosepiece — /nohz pees /, n. 1. the part of a frame for eyeglasses that passes over the bridge of the nose. 2. the part of a microscope to which the objectives are attached. See diag. under microscope. 3. a piece of armor serving as a protective cover for… …   Universalium

  • nosepiece — noun a) Anything (originally a piece of armour) that protects the nose b) The bridge between spectacle lenss that rests on the nose …   Wiktionary

  • nosepiece — A microscope attachment, consisting of several objectives surrounding a central pivot. * * * nose·piece nōz .pēs n 1) the end piece of a microscope body to which an objective is attached and which often consists of a revolving holder for two or… …   Medical dictionary

  • nosepiece — n. part of eyeglasses that rest on the nose; part of a helmet that protects the nose; device on a microscope which holds the lenses; nozzle on a pipe …   English contemporary dictionary

  • nosepiece — noun 1》 the part of a helmet or headdress that protects a person s nose.     ↘chiefly N. Amer. another term for noseband. 2》 the part of a microscope to which the objective lenses are attached …   English new terms dictionary

  • nosepiece — nose•piece [[t]ˈnoʊzˌpis[/t]] n. 1) oph the part of an eyeglass frame that passes over the bridge of the nose 2) the part of a microscope to which the objectives are attached 3) her a piece of armor serving as protection for the nose 4) spo… …   From formal English to slang

  • nosepiece — /ˈnoʊzpis/ (say nohzpees) noun 1. a protective cover for the nose. 2. the part of a microscope where the object slide is attached. 3. → noseband …  

  • nosepiece — An insert for pop rivet pliers that is used to allow various pop rivet diameters to be used …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • nosepiece — noun 1. armor plate that protects the nose • Hypernyms: ↑armor plate, ↑armour plate, ↑armor plating, ↑plate armor, ↑plate armour • Part Holonyms: ↑body armor, ↑body armour, ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

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