- nontenured
- [͵nɒnʹtenjəd] a унив.
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Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
nontenured — adjective Not possessing tenure. Nontenured teachers can be eliminated at whim, but as soon as they get tenure they are bulletproof: youll never get rid of one … Wiktionary
nontenured — non•ten•ured [[t]nɒnˈtɛn yərd[/t]] adj. 1) (of a professional position) not including a guarantee of permanent employment 2) (of an employee) holding a nontenured position … From formal English to slang
nontenured — /non ten yeuhrd/, adj. Educ. not having tenure. [NON + TENURED] * * * … Universalium
nontenured — /non ten yeuhrd/, adj. Educ. not having tenure. [NON + TENURED] … Useful english dictionary
Board of Regents of State Colleges v. Roth — Infobox SCOTUS case Litigants=Board of Regents of State Colleges v. Roth ArgueDate=January 18 ArgueYear=1972 DecideDate=June 29 DecideYear=1972 FullName=Board of Regents of State Colleges, et al. v. Roth USVol=408 USPage=564 Citation=92 S. Ct.… … Wikipedia
The Attic, the Pearls and Three Fine Girls — is a comedy collectively written by Martha Ross, Ann Marie MacDonald, Jennifer Brewin, Alisa Palmer and Leah Cherniak. The play dimly recalls some of the themes of MacDonald s Fall on Your Knees which she had recently completed before this play… … Wikipedia
Th. Emil Homerin — Thomas Emil Homerin (born 1955 in Pekin, Illinois) is an American scholar of religion. Homerin is one of the most notable scholars of religion in the United States and widely publishes, including books, essays, articles and entries in major… … Wikipedia
Shrinking Ph.D. Job Market — ▪ 1998 Since the 1980s the market for new Ph.D. s to fill tenure track positions in U.S. colleges and universities has decreased significantly. Despite this decrease, the production of new doctorates has increased. Between 1970 and 1993 the … Universalium
Charles Sanders Peirce — B … Wikipedia