- nonsubstantial
1> _филос. несубстанциальный
2> нематериальный, невещественный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
nonsubstantial — I (not sturdy) adjective adynamic, asthenic, attenuated, below par, breakable, brittle, defective, deficient, delicate, destructible, enervated, ephemeral, fallacious, feeble, flimsy, fragile, frail, frangible, ghostly, illogical, inadequate,… … Law dictionary
nonsubstantial — adj.; nonsubstantially, adv.; nonsubstantialness, n. * * * … Universalium
nonsubstantial — adjective Not substantial; without substance … Wiktionary
nonsubstantial — adj.; nonsubstantially, adv.; nonsubstantialness, n … Useful english dictionary
infirm — I (irresolute) adjective changeable, easily led, faint hearted, faltering, fickle, inconstant, indecisive insecure, pliable, precarious, undecided, undetermined, unreliable, unresolved, unstable, unsteady, untrustworthy, vacillating, wavering II… … Law dictionary
intangible — I adjective abstract, aerial, airy, amorphous, asomatous, bodiless, difficult to appraise, dim, discarnate, disembodied, ethereal, immaterial, impalpable, imperceptible, imponderable, inappreciable, inconspicuous, incorporal, incorporate,… … Law dictionary
deficient — I adjective attenuated, barren, below par, blemished, defective, depleted, devoid, disappointing, discontenting, empty, falling short, faulty, few, flawed, hollow, impaired, imperfect, impoverished, in arrears, inadequate, incompetent, incomplete … Law dictionary
inadequate — I adjective assailable, deficient, depleted, disabled, disappointing, displeasing, emasculate, exhausted, feckless, feeble, helpless, impaired, impar, impotent, incapable, incompetent, incomplete, indefensible, ineffective, ineffectual,… … Law dictionary
insignificant — I adjective beneath consideration, collateral, expendable, frivolous, futile, ignoble, immaterial, inapposite, inappreciable, incidental, inconsequential, inconsiderable, indifferent, inferior, irrelevant, meager, meaningless, mediocre, minor,… … Law dictionary
low — I (ignoble) adjective deep, depraved, depressed, flat, heinous, ignoble, inelegant, lamentable, minimal, nominal, odious, offensive, outrageous, poor, prone, scandalous, scarce, scurrilous, servile, subaltern, tainted, unelevated II (nominal)… … Law dictionary
Externalization — This article is about social philosophy. For externalization (of cost), in the context of economics, see externality.Externalization means to put something outside of its original borders, especially to put a human function outside of the human… … Wikipedia