- nonsense verse
- [ʹnɒns(ə)ns͵vɜ:s]
забавно-абсурдные стихи (часто детские)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Nonsense verse — is a form of light, often rhythmical verse, usually for children, depicting peculiar characters in amusing and fantastical situations. It is whimsical and humorous in tone and tends to employ fanciful phrases and meaningless made up words.[1]… … Wikipedia
nonsense verse — a form of light verse, usually for children, depicting imaginative characters in amusing situations of fantasy, whimsical in tone and with a rhythmic appeal, often employing fanciful phrases and meaningless made up words. [1790 1800] * * *… … Universalium
nonsense verse — noun nonsensical writing (usually verse) • Syn: ↑amphigory • Hypernyms: ↑nonsense, ↑bunk, ↑nonsensicality, ↑meaninglessness, ↑hokum * * * a form of light verse, usually for children, depicting imaginative characters in amusing situations of… … Useful english dictionary
nonsense verse — /ˈnɒnsəns vɜs/ (say nonsuhns vers) noun verse conveying deliberately absurd ideas or using specially coined words, usually humorous, as the verse of the English humorist, Edward Lear, 1812–88 …
nonsense verse — noun Date: 1799 humorous or whimsical verse that features absurd characters and actions and often contains evocative but meaningless nonce words … New Collegiate Dictionary
nonsense poetry — nonsense verse or nonsense poetry, a type of humorous verse or poetry, usually for children, dealing with illogical and silly characters and situations, and often including meaningless words and phrases coined for the occasion: »Two English… … Useful english dictionary
Nonsense (disambiguation) — Nonsense is an utterance or written text that does not in fact carry any identifiable meaning. Nonsense may also mean: Abstract nonsense, a term used by mathematicians to describe certain kinds of arguments and concepts in category theory In… … Wikipedia
Nonsense — For other uses, see Nonsense (disambiguation). For Wikipedia policy regarding nonsense, see Wikipedia:Patent nonsense. Nonsense is a communication, via speech, writing, or any other symbolic system, that lacks any coherent meaning. Sometimes in… … Wikipedia
verse — /verrs/, n., adj., v., versed, versing. n. 1. (not in technical use) a stanza. 2. a succession of metrical feet written, printed, or orally composed as one line; one of the lines of a poem. 3. a particular type of metrical line: a hexameter verse … Universalium
Nonsense song — A nonsense song is a type of song written in fun using nonsense syllables at least in the chorus. Such a song generally has a simple melody and a quick (or fairly quick) tempo.[1] Contents 1 History 2 Examples … Wikipedia
Nonsense word — A nonsense word, unlike a sememe, may have no definition. If it can be pronounced according to a language s phonotactics, it is a logatome. Nonsense words are used in literature for poetic or humorous effect. Proper names of real or fictional… … Wikipedia