- nonsectarian
- [͵nɒnsekʹte(ə)rıən] a
объединяющий или включающий все религии
nonsectarian school - школа, принимающая учащихся независимо от религиозной принадлежности
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
nonsectarian school - школа, принимающая учащихся независимо от религиозной принадлежности
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Nonsectarian — Nonsectarian, in its most literal sense, refers to a lack of sectarianism. The term is also more narrowly used to describe secular private educational institutions or other organizations either not affiliated with or not restricted to a… … Wikipedia
nonsectarian — onsectarian adj. not restricted to one sect or school or party; as, religious training in a nonsectarian atmosphere; public funding is restricted to nonsectarian colleges. Opposite of {sectarian}. [Narrower terms: {ecumenic, oecumenic, ecumenical … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
nonsectarian — adjective all comprehensive, all embracing, all including, all inclusive, broad, broad based, collective, comprehensive, ecumenical, general, global, interdenominational, mixed, undenominational, universal, unspecified, world wide Burton s Legal… … Law dictionary
nonsectarian — [nän΄sek ter′ē ən] adj. not sectarian; not confined to or affiliated with any specific religion … English World dictionary
nonsectarian — adjective not restricted to one sect or school or party religious training in a nonsectarian atmosphere nonsectarian colleges a wide and unsectarian interest in religion Bertrand Russell • Syn: ↑unsectarian • Ant: ↑sectarian … Useful english dictionary
nonsectarian — 1. adjective Of or pertaining to nonsectarianism. The children will not go to church, few will attend Sunday school, but they will attend a nonsectarian Bible school. 2. noun One who is not a sectarian … Wiktionary
nonsectarian — adjective Date: 1831 not having a sectarian character ; not affiliated with or restricted to a particular religious group … New Collegiate Dictionary
nonsectarian — /non sek tair ee euhn/, adj. not affiliated with or limited to a specific religious denomination. [1825 35; NON + SECTARIAN] * * * … Universalium
nonsectarian — Synonyms and related words: all comprehending, all comprehensive, all covering, all embracing, all encompassing, all filling, all including, all inclusive, all pervading, allover, catholic, cosmopolitan, country wide, ecumenic, galactic, global,… … Moby Thesaurus
nonsectarian — adj. not aligned with any sect or religion … English contemporary dictionary
nonsectarian — non·sectarian … English syllables