Смотреть что такое "atic" в других словарях:
atic — ÁTIC, Ă, atici, ce, adj., s.n. 1. adj. Caracteristic Aticii antice sau locuitorilor ei. ♢ Frumuseţe atică = frumuseţe perfectă. 2. Parte a unei construcţii situată deasupra cornişei şi menită să mascheze acoperişul. 3. Etaj scund situat imediat… … Dicționar Român
ATIC — ist die Abkürzung für: Advanced Technology Investment Company, einer Investmentfirma aus Abu Dhabi Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter, eine Messvorrichtung für kosmische Strahlungen in der Stratosphäre Africa Twin International Connection,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ATIC — can refer to: * ATIC Records * a gene which codes inosine monophosphate synthase * Advanced Thin Ionization Calorimeter * Advanced Technical Intelligence Center See also *Attic (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
-atic — [at′ik] 〚< Fr or L; Fr atique < L aticus < Gr atikos < base ending at + suffix ikos, IC〛 suffix forming adjectives of, of the kind of: used in words of Greek and Latin origin [lymphatic] * * * … Universalium
-atic — [at′ik] [< Fr or L; Fr atique < L aticus < Gr atikos < base ending at + suffix ikos, IC] suffix forming adjectives of, of the kind of: used in words of Greek and Latin origin [lymphatic] … English World dictionary
-atic — suffix forming adjectives and nouns (aquatic; fanatic; idiomatic). Etymology: F atique or L aticus, often ult. f. Gk atikos * * * suffix forming adjectives and nouns such as aquatic, idiomatic Origin: from French atique or Latin aticus, often… … Useful english dictionary
atic — sa·loon·atic; … English syllables
Atic Barcelona — (Барселона,Испания) Категория отеля: Адрес: Aragó, 78, Эшампле, 08015 Барселона, Исп … Каталог отелей
Atic Gaudi-Gracia — (Барселона,Испания) Категория отеля: Адрес: Travessera De Dalt, 10 Ático 1ª, Грас … Каталог отелей
Atic Barcelona Park Güell — (Барселона,Испания) Категория отеля: Адрес: Calderon De La Barca, 123, Ор … Каталог отелей
Atic Atac — Infobox VG | title = Atic Atac caption = developer = Tim and Chris Stamper publisher = Ultimate Play The Game designer = engine = released = Late 1983 (Spectrum) genre = Arcade adventure; Maze modes = Single player ratings = N/A platforms = ZX… … Wikipedia