- nonpolluting
- [͵nɒnpəʹlu:tıŋ] a
не загрязняющий окружающую среду
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
nonpolluting — ¦nän sometimes ¦nən ˌ adjective : causing little or no pollution a freely available, nonpolluting, renewable source of energy sunlight Barry Commoner * * * adj … Useful english dictionary
nonpolluting — adj. * * * … Universalium
nonpolluting — adjective Not polluting; environmentally friendly; clean; green … Wiktionary
nonpolluting — non·polluting … English syllables
nonpolluting — non pol•lut′ing adj … From formal English to slang
nonpolluting — /ˈnɒnpəlutɪŋ/ (say nonpuhloohting) adjective of or relating to products, machines, etc., which do not pollute the environment …
Time's Up! — is a grassroots environmental group that seeks to promote a more sustainable, less toxic New York City. For 20 years, it has been committed to improving the environment by empowering individuals to become active in their community. In New York… … Wikipedia
solar energy — energy derived from the sun in the form of solar radiation. Also called solar. * * * Radiation from the Sun that can produce heat, generate electricity, or cause chemical reactions. Solar energy is inexhaustible and nonpolluting, but it is not an … Universalium
green — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English grene, from Old English grēne; akin to Old English grōwan to grow Date: before 12th century 1. of the color green 2. a. covered by green growth or foliage < green fields > b. of winter mild … New Collegiate Dictionary
Economy of Monaco — This is an overview of the economy of Monaco. Monaco, situated on the French coast of the Mediterranean Sea, is a popular resort, attracting tourists to its casino and pleasant climate.The Principality has successfully sought to diversify into… … Wikipedia
Valles Caldera — Cerro la Jara, an approximately 75 meter (250 ft) high forested rhyolite lava dome within the caldera. Elevation … Wikipedia