non est inventus

non est inventus
[͵nɒnestınʹventəs] лат. юр.
«не найден» (пометка на повестке и т. п. в случае невозможности вручения)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "non est inventus" в других словарях:

  • Non est inventus — Non est in*ven tus [L., he is not found.] (Law) The return of a sheriff on a writ, when the defendant is not found in his county. Bouvier. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • non est inventus — non est in·ven·tus / in ven təs, tu̇s/ n [Latin, he or she has not been found]: the return of a sheriff on a writ or process when the defendant or person to be served or arrested is not found in the jurisdiction Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of… …   Law dictionary

  • non est inventus — /non est inventas/ Lat. He is not found. The sheriffs return to process requiring him to arrest the body of the defendant, when the latter is not found within his jurisdiction. It is often abbreviated, n. e. i., or written, in English, not found …   Black's law dictionary

  • non est inventus — /non est inventas/ Lat. He is not found. The sheriffs return to process requiring him to arrest the body of the defendant, when the latter is not found within his jurisdiction. It is often abbreviated, n. e. i., or written, in English, not found …   Black's law dictionary

  • non est inventus — inˈventəs noun (plural non est inventuses) Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin, he has not been found : the return of a sheriff on a writ when the defendant or person to be served or arrested is not found in his jurisdiction …   Useful english dictionary

  • Non est inventus — He has not been found words that are used in an officer s formal return upon his unsuccessful attempt to arrest a defendant under a capias …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • non est — /non est /, Law. the returning of a sheriff s writ when the person to be arrested or served with it cannot be found in the sheriff s jurisdiction. [1865 70; < L: short for non est inventus (he) was not found] * * * …   Universalium

  • non est — /non est /, Law. the returning of a sheriff s writ when the person to be arrested or served with it cannot be found in the sheriff s jurisdiction. [1865 70; < L: short for non est inventus (he) was not found] …   Useful english dictionary

  • Non est inventus in balliva mea — He has not been found in my bailiwick. A form of a sheriff s return on a capias, where he has been unable to find the defendant in his jurisdiction. See 3 Bl Comm 282 …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • inventus — /inventas/ Lat. Found. Thesaurus inventus, treasure trove. Non est inventus, [he] is not found …   Black's law dictionary

  • inventus — /inventas/ Lat. Found. Thesaurus inventus, treasure trove. Non est inventus, [he] is not found …   Black's law dictionary

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