- non compos mentis
- non compos (mentis)
1> _лат. сумасшедший, умалишенный; _юр. невменяемый
the jury brought him in non compos (mentis) присяжные признали
его невменяемым
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
non compos mentis — non com·pos men·tis / nän käm pəs men təs/ adj [Latin, literally, not having mastery of one s mind]: not of sound mind: lacking mental ability to understand the nature, consequences, and effect of a situation or transaction Merriam Webster’s… … Law dictionary
Non compos mentis — is a term meaning not of sound mind . Non compos mentis derives from the Latin non meaning not , compos meaning having (command of) , and mentis (genitive singular of mens), meaning mind . It is the direct opposite of Compos mentis (of a composed … Wikipedia
Non compos mentis — Non compos Non com pos Non compos mentis Non com pos men tis [L.] Not of sound mind; not having the regular use of reason; hence, also, as a noun, an idiot; a lunatic; one devoid of reason, either by nature or from accident. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
non compos mentis — [nän käm΄pōs men′tis] n. [L] Law not of sound mind; mentally incapable of handling one s own affairs: often non compos … English World dictionary
non compos mentis — (non com pohs MEN tiss) [Latin] Not of sound mind; mentally unstable; incapable of normal mental function. At least one elderly relative is non compos mentis and unable to care for himself … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
non compos mentis — Término legal aplicado a una persona declarada mentalmente incompetente. Diccionario Mosby Medicina, Enfermería y Ciencias de la Salud, Ediciones Hancourt, S.A. 1999 … Diccionario médico
non compos mentis — Latin, lit. not master of one s mind … Etymology dictionary
non compos mentis — *insane, mad, crazy, crazed, demented, deranged, lunatic, maniac … New Dictionary of Synonyms
non compos mentis — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ not in one s right mind. ORIGIN Latin, not having control of one s mind … English terms dictionary
non compos mentis — Synonyms and related words: abnormal, bereft of reason, brainsick, crackbrained, cracked, crazed, crazy, daft, deluded, demented, deprived of reason, deranged, disoriented, distraught, flighty, hallucinated, insane, irrational, loco, lunatic, mad … Moby Thesaurus
non compos mentis — adj. (also non compos) not in one s right mind. Etymology: L, = not having control of one s mind … Useful english dictionary