- nomothetic nomothetical
nomothetic, nomothetical
1> _книж. законодательный
2> _книж. законный, узаконенный
3> _книж. относящийся к изучению всеобщих законов
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Nomothetic — literally means proposition of the law (Greek derivation) and is used in philosophy (see also Nomothetic and idiographic), psychology, and law with differing meanings. In psychology, nomothetic measures are contrasted to ipsative or idiothetic… … Wikipedia
Nomothetic — Nom o*thet ic, Nomothetical Nom o*thet ic*al, a. [Gr. ?.] Legislative; enacting laws; as, a nomothetical power. [R.] Bp. Barlow. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Nomothetical — Nomothetic Nom o*thet ic, Nomothetical Nom o*thet ic*al, a. [Gr. ?.] Legislative; enacting laws; as, a nomothetical power. [R.] Bp. Barlow. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
nomothetic — (adj.) lawgiving, legislative; based on law, 1650s, from Gk. nomothetikos relating to legislation, legislative, from nomothetes lawgiving, from nomos usage, custom, law (see NUMISMATICS (Cf. numismatics)) + thetes one who puts, places, or… … Etymology dictionary
nomothetic — [näm΄ə thet′ik] adj. [Gr nomothetikos < nomothetēs lawgiver < nomos, law (see NOMY) + tithenai, to make, DO1] 1. giving or enacting laws 2. based on law 3. of a science of general or universal laws: Also nomothetical … English World dictionary
nomothetical — nomothetic / thetˈik/ or nomothetˈical adjective 1. Giving laws, legislative 2. Of or relating to the formulation of general or universal laws, opp to idiographic • • • Main Entry: ↑nomothete … Useful english dictionary
nomothetical — adjective nomothetic … Wiktionary
nomothetic — /nɒməˈθɛtɪk/ (say nomuh thetik) adjective 1. lawgiving; legislative. 2. relating to or based on laws, especially religious laws; nomistic. 3. Psychology of or relating to the search for general laws (opposed to idiographic). Also, nomothetical.… …