- noisemaker
- [ʹnɔız͵meıkə] n
1. шумный гуляка2. 1) источник шума (фабрика, трамвай и т. п.)2) пронзительно-громкий инструмент; погремушка, гудок, свисток, транзистор и т. п.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
noisemaker — oisemaker n. Any device (such as a clapper or bell or horn) used to make a loud noise at a celebration. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
noisemaker — [noiz′māk΄ər] n. a person or thing that makes noise; specif., a horn, cowbell, etc. used for making noise in celebration, as on New Year s Eve … English World dictionary
Noisemaker — A noisemaker is something intended to make a loud noise, usually for fun. The word may refer to: Air horn, a device composed of a pressurized air source coupled to a horn, designed to create an extremely loud noise Fireworks, such as firecrackers … Wikipedia
noisemaker — noun Date: 1574 one that makes noise; especially a device (as a horn or rattle) used to make noise at parties • noisemaking noun or adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
noisemaker — noisemaking, n., adj. /noyz may keuhr/, n. a person or thing that makes noise, as a reveler on New Year s Eve, Halloween, etc., or a rattle, horn, or similar device used on such an occasion. [1565 75; NOISE + MAKER] * * * … Universalium
noisemaker — noun a) A person or device that produces a great deal of noise, especially one used in a celebration or sporting event. b) A device comprised of a handle with a ratchet at one end, with the ratchet end contained within a box that serves as an… … Wiktionary
noisemaker — n. party rattle; noisy person … English contemporary dictionary
noisemaker — noise•mak•er [[t]ˈnɔɪzˌmeɪ kər[/t]] n. a person or thing that makes noise, esp. a rattle, horn, or other device used on festive occasions • Etymology: 1565–75 noise′mak ing, n. adj … From formal English to slang
noisemaker — /ˈnɔɪzmeɪkə/ (say noyzmaykuh) noun a person or thing that makes noise, as a hooter, whistle, etc., used in merrymaking. –noisemaking, noun, adjective …
noisemaker — noun a device (such as a clapper or bell or horn) used to make a loud noise at a celebration (Freq. 2) • Hypernyms: ↑device • Hyponyms: ↑horn, ↑thunderer … Useful english dictionary
Fun Trick Noisemaker — Studio album by The Apples in Stereo Released May 2, 1995 … Wikipedia