
1. [ʹnəʋbədı] n
человек, не имеющий веса в обществе, никому не известный человек; ничтожество, «пустое место» (тж. a little nobody)

a mere nobody - полное ничтожество

she has married a nobody - она вышла (замуж) за человека без положения

they were treated as nobodies - их третировали, к ним относились с пренебрежением, с ними не считались

2. [ʹnəʋbədı] indef pron

nobody else - никто другой

there was nobody else on board - на борту никого другого не было

nobody knows about it - об этом никто не знает

there was nobody present - никого не было; никто не явился

nobody ever put so much of themselves into their work - никто так не отдавал себя работе, как они

I can see nobody - я никого не вижу

did nobody among you notice anything? - неужели никто из вас ничего не заметил?

who was the other man? - Nobody you know - а кто был другой? - Ты его всё равно не знаешь

there is nobody at home /амер. nobody home/ - сл. ≅ (он) без царя в голове; (у него) не все дома /винтика не хватает/

nobody's business - шутл. не поддающийся описанию

what the old man said when he found out about it was nobody's business - что сказал старик, когда узнал об этом, не поддаётся описанию

to be nobody's fool - ≅ его не проведёшь

everybody's business is nobody's business - посл. ≅ у семи нянек дитя без глазу

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "nobody" в других словарях:

  • Nobody — may refer to: Nobodies, a race of beings in the Kingdom Hearts video game series nobody (username), the name of a Unix account which has no particular privileges Nobody, a radio drama by Daniel Brocklehurst Nobody, a character in the Teenage… …   Wikipedia

  • Nobody (EP) — Nobody EP EP by Cartman Released March 27, 2000 R …   Wikipedia

  • Nobody — No bod*y, n.; pl. {Nobodies}. [No, a. + body.] 1. No person; no one; not anybody. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence: A person of no influence or importance; an insignificant or contemptible person. [Colloq.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • nobody — index nonentity Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Nobody — Nobody,der:⇨Niemand …   Das Wörterbuch der Synonyme

  • nobody — (n.) mid 14c., no body no person noone, from M.E. NO (Cf. no) (adj.) not any + bodi (see BODY (Cf. body) (n.)). Written as two words 14c. 18c.; hyphenated 17c. 18c. Incorrect use with their is attested from 1540s. Meaning person of no importance… …   Etymology dictionary

  • nobody — nobody, no one Like anybody and anyone, these are largely interchangeable, but no one is written as two words because noone would be too awkward. In a use such as No one person was responsible, no and one retain their separate meanings instead of …   Modern English usage

  • nobody — / nonentity [n] person of little importance cipher, insignificancy, lightweight*, menial, nix*, nothing, parvenu*, small potato*, squirt*, upstart, wimp*, zero*, zip; concept 423 Ant. somebody …   New thesaurus

  • nobody — ► PRONOUN ▪ no person; no one. ► NOUN (pl. nobodies) ▪ a person of no importance or authority …   English terms dictionary

  • nobody — [nō′bäd΄ē, nō′bud΄ē, nō′bə dē] pron. not any person; not anybody; no one n. pl. nobodies a person of no influence, authority, or importance …   English World dictionary

  • nobody — no|bod|y1 W2S1 [ˈnəubədi US ˈnouba:di, bədi] pron 1.) no one ▪ I knocked on the door but nobody answered. 2.) like nobody s business very much, very well, or very fast ▪ We get along like nobody s business. →be nobody s fool at ↑fool1 (5) ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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