
1. [ʹnaıtə] = nitre I и II 2. [ʹnaıtə] = nitre I и II

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "niter" в других словарях:

  • Niter — Ni ter, Nitre Ni tre, n. [F. nitre, L. nitrum native soda, natron, Gr. ?; cf. Ar. nit[=u]n, natr[=u]n natron. Cf. {Natron}.] 1. (Chem.) A white crystalline semitransparent salt; potassium nitrate; saltpeter. See {Saltpeter}. [1913 Webster] 2.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • niter — see NITRE (Cf. nitre) …   Etymology dictionary

  • niter — [nīt′ər] n. [ME nitre < MFr < L nitrum < Gr nitron, native soda, natron < Heb or Egypt: Heb netr < Egypt nṯr] 1. POTASSIUM NITRATE 2. SODIUM NITRATE: Also Chiefly Brit. nitre …   English World dictionary

  • Niter — Nitre redirects here. For other meanings of the word Niter and Nitre , see Nitre (disambiguation). Niter General Category Nitrates Chemical formula KNO3 Strunz classification …   Wikipedia

  • Niter kibbeh — Niter kibbeh, or niter qibe (Ge ez ንጥር ቅቤ niṭer ḳibē), also called tesmi (in Tigrinya), is a seasoned clarified butter used in Ethiopian cooking. Its preparation is similar to that of ghee, but niter kebbeh is simmered with spices such as cumin,… …   Wikipedia

  • Niter bush — Niter Ni ter, Nitre Ni tre, n. [F. nitre, L. nitrum native soda, natron, Gr. ?; cf. Ar. nit[=u]n, natr[=u]n natron. Cf. {Natron}.] 1. (Chem.) A white crystalline semitransparent salt; potassium nitrate; saltpeter. See {Saltpeter}. [1913 Webster]… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Niter Kibbeh — Le Niter kibbeh est un beurre clarifié assaisonné de diverses épices telles que le cumin, la coriandre, le curcuma, la cardamome, la cannelle et le gingembre avant d être filtré. Il est omniprésent dans la cuisine d Éthiopie et d Érythrée. Voir… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Niter kibbeh — o niter qibe (Ge ez ንጥር ቅቤ niṭer ḳibē), denominado también como tesmi (en tigriña), es una mantequilla clarificada muy típica de la cocina etiope. Es una preparación muy similar al ghee indio, pero a diferencia de este último el niter kibbeh… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Niter and Mining Corps — The Niter and Mining Corps was a military unit within the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War. Their original task was to keep the Confederacy supplied with minerals and metals needed for the war effort, but as the conflict… …   Wikipedia

  • Niter Ice Cave — The Niter Ice Cave is a geological feature approximately 3 miles south of the small southeastern town of Grace, Idaho. History The most probable explanation for the Niter Ice Cave is that thousands of years ago, a volcanic eruption formed a huge… …   Wikipedia

  • Niter kibbeh — Le Niter kibbeh est un beurre clarifié assaisonné de diverses épices telles que le cumin, la coriandre, le curcuma, la cardamome, la cannelle et le gingembre avant d être filtré. Il est omniprésent dans la cuisine d Éthiopie et d Érythrée. Voir… …   Wikipédia en Français

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