- nincom
- [ʹnıŋkəm] сокр. от nincompoop
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
nincom — nin·com … English syllables
nincom — … Useful english dictionary
nincum — noun see nincom * * * nincum variant of nincom … Useful english dictionary
Music of Montserrat — The music of Montserrat is influenced by Irish traditions, noticeable in the set dance like Bam chick lay, and the presence of fife and drum ensembles similar to the bodhrán. Natives are also witness to the jumbie dance, the style of which is… … Wikipedia
Ghosts I–IV — Studio album by Nine Inch Nails … Wikipedia
ning-nong — n Australian a fool. A now dated, but not altogether obsolete word inspired by nig nog (in the earlier non racist sense) and nincom poop. It may be unrelated to the synony mous nong … Contemporary slang
simpleton — n 1. ignoramus, idiot, imbecile, halfwit, loon, Inf. moron, Inf. dummy, Sl. dope; dunce, dullard, dolt, clod, oaf; blockhead, bonehead, dunderhead, dunderpate, loggerhead, Inf. lightweight, numskull, Sl. dim wit, Sl. lug, Sl. lunkhead, Sl. cot… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder