- nighttide
1> ночная пора
2> ночной прилив
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
nighttide — [nīt′tīd΄] n. old poet. var. of NIGHTTIME … English World dictionary
nighttide — /nuyt tuyd /, n. Literary. nighttime. [1845 50; NIGHT + TIDE1] * * * … Universalium
nighttide — noun nighttime … Wiktionary
nighttide — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun 1. : nighttime 2. : a flood tide occurring during the night * * * /nuyt tuyd /, n. Literary. nighttime. [1845 50; NIGHT + TIDE1] … Useful english dictionary
Curtis Harrington — (* 17. September 1926 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien, USA; † 6. Mai 2007 in Hollywood Hills, Los Angeles, Kalifornien, USA) war ein US amerikanischer Filmregisseur, der vor allem durch seine zahlreichen Horrorfilme Bekanntheit erlangte. Er gilt als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
darkness — Synonyms and related words: Gothicism, ablepsia, adiaphanousness, age of ignorance, amaurosis, amorphousness, barbarism, benightedness, benightment, blackishness, blackness, bleakness, bleariness, blind side, blind spot, blindfolding, blinding,… … Moby Thesaurus
night — Synonyms and related words: Egyptian darkness, Erebus, all the time, all night, blackness, ceaselessly, charcoal, coal, continually, continuously, crow, dark, dark of night, darkness, darkness visible, dead of night, dusk, ebon, ebony, endlessly … Moby Thesaurus
night — n 1. nighttime, Poetic. nighttide; midnight, wee hours, dead of night; time to prowl, witching time, the time when the worms come out, killing time, the other side of the day; bedtime, slumber time. 2. evening, twilight, dying of the light,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
night — [n] part of day after sundown and before sunrise after dark, after hours*, bedtime, before dawn, black*, blackness, dark, dark hours, darkness, dead of night*, dim, duskiness, dusk to dawn, evening, eventide, gloom, midnight, nightfall, nighttide … New thesaurus