- nightside
- [ʹnaıtsaıd] n
1. 1) ночная, неосвещённая сторона (планеты и т. п.)2) тёмная сторона; загадочный или зловещий аспект (чего-л.)2. проф. ночная смена (в редакции газеты)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Nightside — may refer to: The Canadian late night radio talk show The Nightside, hosted by Mark Elliot NBC Nightside, NBC s now defunct late night news program, comparable to ABC s World News Now and CBS Up to the Minute. Nightside (book series), a series of … Wikipedia
Nightside — était une alien créée par Marvel Comics. Elle est apparue pour la première fois dans X Men #107, en 1977. Origines Nightside était une alien de race inconnue faisant partie de la Garde Impériale Shi ar, la troupe d élite de l Empire extra… … Wikipédia en Français
nightside — [nīt′sīd΄] n. the side of a planet, the moon, etc. facing away from the sun … English World dictionary
Nightside (book series) — Nightside is a series of fantasy novels by author Simon R. Green. After Just Another Judgement Day, Green has only three more books planned, which will bring an end to the series.[1] Contents 1 Setting 2 Main characters in the series … Wikipedia
Nightside (comics) — Nightside Nightside, by Clayton Henry Publication information Publisher Marvel Comics First appearance … Wikipedia
nightside — noun Date: 1848 the side of a celestial body (as the earth, the moon, or a planet) not in daylight … New Collegiate Dictionary
nightside — /nuyt suyd /, n. 1. Journalism. the night shift of a newspaper. 2. Astron. the dark side of a planet or moon. Cf. dayside. [1840 50 for an earlier sense; NIGHT + SIDE1] * * * … Universalium
nightside — noun The side of a planet that faces away from the sun around which it orbits Ant: dayside … Wiktionary
nightside — n. side of planet or moon that faces away from the sun and is in the darkness, dark side of the moon or planet (Astronomy); night shift of a newspaper (Journalism) … English contemporary dictionary
nightside — noun Astronomy the side of a planet or moon facing away from the sun and therefore in darkness … English new terms dictionary
nightside — night•side [[t]ˈnaɪtˌsaɪd[/t]] n. astron. the dark side of a planet or moon • Etymology: 1950–55 … From formal English to slang