- night owl
- [ʹnaıtaʋl]
1. = nighthawk 12. воен. шутл. ночник, лётчик ночного бомбардировщика или истребителя3. разг. полуночник
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Night Owl — can refer to: a member of NOA (Night Owl Association) a close knit (FAMILY) group of people with members all across the world, fighting for peace, equality and love everywhere they go. An owl Night owl (person) refers to a person who is most… … Wikipedia
night owl — {n. phr.} One who sleeps during the day and stays up or works during the night. * /Tom hardly ever sleeps at night; he prefers to work by lamp light and has become a regular night owl./ Compare: GRAVEYARD SHIFT … Dictionary of American idioms
night owl — {n. phr.} One who sleeps during the day and stays up or works during the night. * /Tom hardly ever sleeps at night; he prefers to work by lamp light and has become a regular night owl./ Compare: GRAVEYARD SHIFT … Dictionary of American idioms
night-owl — (n.) owl which flies at night, 1590s; applied since 1846 (American English) to persons who are up or out late at night. Cf. NIGHT HAWK (Cf. night hawk), also Fr. hirondelle de nuit prostitute, lit. night swallow … Etymology dictionary
night owl — n. 1. an owl active chiefly at night ☆ 2. a person who works at night or otherwise stays up late … English World dictionary
night owl — night owls N COUNT A night owl is someone who regularly stays up late at night, or who prefers to work at night. [INFORMAL] The late night parties make the hotel a haven for night owls and a hell for anyone with children … English dictionary
night owl — ight owl n. A person who likes to be active late at night. Syn: nighthawk, nightbird. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
night owl — A night owl is someone who goes to bed very late … The small dictionary of idiomes
night owl — (also night bird) ► NOUN informal ▪ a person who is habitually active or wakeful at night … English terms dictionary
night owl — n informal someone who enjoys staying awake all night … Dictionary of contemporary English
night owl — night ,owl noun count INFORMAL someone who enjoys going out at night or does not go to bed until it is late … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English