- nielloed
- [nıʹeləʋd] a
чернёный, украшенный чернью (о металле)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Niello — 7th century Anglo Saxon gold belt buckle with discreet niello accents, from Sutton Hoo … Wikipedia
Wedding ring — For other uses, see Wedding ring (disambiguation). A white gold wedding ring. A wedding ring or wedding band is a metal ring indicating the wearer is married. Depending on the local culture, it is worn on the base of the right or the left ring… … Wikipedia
Mildenhall Treasure — West Row Treasure 240px West Row Treasure in the British Museum Material Silver Created 4th century AD Discovered 1942 Present location British Museum … Wikipedia
Old master print — The Three Crosses, etching by Rembrandt, 1653, State III of IV An old master print is a work of art produced by a printing process within the Western tradition (European or New World). A date of about 1830 is usually taken as marking the end of… … Wikipedia
niello — niellist, n. /nee el oh/, n., pl. nielli / el ee/, v., nielloed, nielloing. n. 1. a black metallic substance, consisting of silver, copper, lead, and sulfur, with which an incised design or ground is filled to produce an ornamental effect on… … Universalium
Christian views on marriage — Orthodox betrothal depicted by Vasily Vladimirovich Pukirev, 1862. Christian views on marriage typically regard it as instituted and ordained by God for the lifelong relationship between one man as husband and one woman as wife, and is to be held … Wikipedia
Ciborium (architecture) — Ciborium of Sant Ambrogio, Milan; note the rods for curtains. The columns are probably 4th century, the canopy 9th, 10th or 12th century.[1] In ecclesiastical architecture, a ciborium ( ciborion : κιβωρι … Wikipedia
niello — [nɪ ɛləʊ] noun a black compound of sulphur with silver, lead, or copper, used for filling in engraved designs in silver or other metals. ↘objects decorated with this. Derivatives nielloed adjective Origin C19: from Ital., from L. nigellus, dimin … English new terms dictionary
niello — /niˈɛloʊ/ (say nee eloh) noun (plural nielli /niˈɛli/ (say nee elee) or niellos) 1. a black metallic composition, consisting of silver, copper, lead, and sulphur, with which an incised design is filled in to produce an ornamental effect. 2.… …
niello — [nē el′ō] n. pl. nielli [nē el′ē] or niellos [It < VL * nigellum < L nigellus, somewhat black, dark < niger, black] 1. any of a number of alloys of sulfur with silver, lead, copper, etc., characterized by a deep black color and used to… … English World dictionary
niello — n. (pl. nielli or os) 1 a black composition of sulphur with silver, lead, or copper, for filling engraved lines in silver or other metal. 2 a such ornamental work. b an object decorated with this. Derivatives: nielloed adj. Etymology: It. f. L… … Useful english dictionary