- nicker
- I
[ʹnıkə] v диал.
1) ржать (о лошади)2) громко хохотать, ржать, гоготатьII [ʹnıkə] n сл.фунт стерлингов
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
nicker — nicker1 [nik′ər] vi. [prob. var. of nicher, neigher, freq. of NEIGH] to utter a low whinnying sound: said of a horse n. this sound nicker2 [nik′ər] n. pl. nicker [orig. underworld cant < ?] [Brit. Slang] one pound sterling … English World dictionary
Nicker — Nick er, n. [From {Nick}, v. t.] 1. One of the night brawlers of London formerly noted for breaking windows with half pence. [Cant] Arbuthnot. [1913 Webster] 2. The cutting lip which projects downward at the edge of a boring bit and cuts a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
nicker — (v.) to neigh, 1774, of imitative origin (see NEIGH (Cf. neigh)). Related: Nickered; nickering … Etymology dictionary
nicker — ► NOUN (pl. same) Brit. informal ▪ a pound sterling. ORIGIN of unknown origin … English terms dictionary
nicker — I. intransitive verb (nickered; nickering) Etymology: perhaps alteration of neigh Date: 1641 neigh, whinny • nicker noun II. noun Etymology: perhaps from nicker one that nicks … New Collegiate Dictionary
Nicker — Das Wort Nicker hat mehrere Bedeutungen: der erste Halswirbel, siehe Atlas ein Jagdmesser, siehe Nicker (Messer) einen kurzen Schlaf, siehe Superschlaf Einhandrute Milz mit dem daranhängenden Fett und Darmgekröse, regionale Bezeichnung die… … Deutsch Wikipedia
nicker — n British £1, one pound (sterling). This common term has been in use since about the turn of the 20th century (when it also denoted a sovereign). Nicker was the name given to pieces of metal thrown down in a game and later applied, in racing, to… … Contemporary slang
nicker — nicker1 /nik euhr/, n. a person or thing that nicks. [1660 70; NICK + ER1] nicker2 /nik euhr/, v.i., n. Chiefly Midland and Southern U.S. 1. neigh. 2. laugh; snicker. [1785 95; appar. var. of nicher, neigher, freq. of NEIGH; see ER6] nicker3 … Universalium
nicker — 1. noun /ˈnɪkə(r)/ a) Pound sterling. This coat cost me 50 nicker. b) A soft neighing sound characteristic of a horse. Syn: pound, pound sterling … Wiktionary
nicker — Everyday English Slang in Ireland n money; 50 nicker=50 quid/pounds … English dialects glossary
Nicker — nicken: Das Verb mhd. nicken, ahd. nicchen ist eine Intensiviterativbildung zu dem unter ↑ neigen behandelten Verb und bedeutet demnach eigentlich »heftig oder wiederholt neigen«. Das ugs. nicken »ein Schläfchen machen« – dazu Nicker‹chen› ugs.… … Das Herkunftswörterbuch