- niacin
- [ʹnaıəsın] n
никотиновая кислота
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Niacin — IUPAC name … Wikipedia
Niacin — est un groupe de jazz rock fusion avec au clavier John Novello, à la batterie Dennis Chambers, et à la basse Billy Sheehan Discographie Niacin (1996) High Bias (1998) Live (1998) Deep (2000) Live : Blood, Sweat and Beers (2000) Time Crunch… … Wikipédia en Français
niacin — iacin n. A B vitamin (vitamin B5) essential for the normal function of the nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract. Called also {nicotinic acid} and {antipellagra vitamin}. Chemical formula {C6H5NO2}, chemically it is 3 pyridinecarboxylic… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
niacin — (n.) pellagra preventing vitamin in enriched bread, 1942, coined from ni(cotinic) ac(id) + IN (Cf. in) (2), chemical suffix; suggested by the American Medical Association as a more commercially viable name than nicotinic acid. The new name was… … Etymology dictionary
niacin — ☆ niacin [nī′ə sin ] n. [ NI(COTINIC) AC(ID) + IN1] NICOTINIC ACID … English World dictionary
Niacin — Strukturformel Allgemeines Trivialname Vitamin B3 Vitamin B5 (seltene Bezeichnung) Andere Namen … Deutsch Wikipedia
niacin — /nuy euh sin/, n. Biochem. See nicotinic acid. [1935 40; NI(COTINIC) AC(ID) + IN2] * * * or nicotinic acid or vitamin B3 Water soluble vitamin of the vitamin B complex, essential to growth and health in animals, including humans. It is found in… … Universalium
niacin — nicotinic acid ic o*tin ic ac id, n. (Chem.) An organic acid ({C6H5NO2}), a carboxylated derivative of pyridine, obtained by the oxidation of nicotine; called also {niacin} and {antipellagra vitamin}, and {vitamin B5}. Chemically it is 3… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Niacin — Nicotinic acid, one of the water soluble B vitamins. * * * SYN: nicotinic acid. * * * ni·a·cin nī ə sən n a crystalline acid C6H5NO2 that is a member of the vitamin B complex occurring usu. in the form of a complex of niacinamide in various… … Medical dictionary
niacin — мед. ниацин (niacin) Водорастворимый витамин. Высвобождает энергию в тканях и клетках тела. Способствует укреплению нервной системы и улучшению пищеварения. см. тж витамины … Универсальный дополнительный практический толковый словарь И. Мостицкого
Niacin — PP Faktor; Vitamin B3; Nicotinsäure * * * Ni|a|cin [Kunstw. aus engl. nicotinic acid = Nicotinsäure u. ↑ in (3)], das; s: amer. Freiname für ↑ Nicotinsäure. * * * Niac … Universal-Lexikon